“There are things that I’ve consciously borrowed from”: Kentaro Miura Revealed Not Everything in Berserk is Original after Comparisons With 3 Legendary Manga

The narrative of Berserk combines the inspiration from three different manga series.



  • Kentaro Miura's Berserk might offer a plot that is totally unique, but it has been inspired from three different manga series.
  • These three series are Go Nagi’s Violence Jack, Kaoru Kurimoto’s Guin Saga, and Osamu Tezuka’s Dororo.
  • Even the protagonist, Guts' sword, the Dragon Slayer, is inspired by two different series.
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Every story or narrative needs inspiration that could help its creators in forming a base for the story. Something similar happened with one of the biggest dark fantasy mangas, Berserk. While Berserk offers a plot that was never seen before, there were some things within the series that Kentaro Miura borrowed from other popular manga series.

Mangaka Kentaro Miura's Berserk.
Mangaka Kentaro Miura’s Berserk | Studio Gaga

In an interview once, Miura confessed that he had used three legendary manga stories for Berserk’s reference, and all three of these have played a different role in designing one of the best dark fantasy narratives of all time. These were some of his favorite works before he entered the industry.

These references and inspirations can be deemed Miura’s way of honoring the works that persuaded him to become a mangaka, and those who have read them can clearly spot the influence in the story.


The Three Legendary Manga That Inspired Kentaro Miura

Before the release of volume 20 of Miura’s magnum opus, the mangaka was interviewed by popular Shojo manga writer Yukari Fujimoto. This interview was shared by Mangabrog, and it featured a revelation made by Miura about the other series that inspired him to create Berserk, and also had some contribution to the story.

Miura stated:

I was a manga reader. There are things that I’ve consciously borrowed from, but there are also things that have sunk to the bottom of my consciousness and pop up out of nowhere later. They’ve become part of me. Violence Jack and Guin Saga are things I was obviously really into, and I do think that Guin Saga was the biggest source for this fantasy universe. That atmosphere it has just stuck with me and now I think of it as the standard to measure things against, so I suppose you’re right.

Guts in Berserk manga
Guts in Berserk manga | Studio Gaga

Most of the aspects of Berserk are inspired by Go Nagi’s Violence Jack, Kaoru Kurimoto’s Guin Saga, and Osamu Tezuka’s Dororo. While all three of the series are from a different genre, they all had something that inspired Miura and had become a part of him. Miura kept them on a pedestal and measured Berserk’s story against them.


Gut’s Main Feature is Taken From Other Manga Series

While talking about the manga and novels that inspired him, Kentaro Miura also confessed that one of Gut’s most important aspects, his sword (the Dragon Slayer), was also inspired by two different manga series. One was the Guin Saga spin-off Snow Queen, and the other was Pygmalio by the popular mangaka Shinji Wada.

Berserk | Studio Gaga

Miura revealed:

That comes from Shinji Wada’s Pygmalio. Also, I think it was in the Guin Saga spin-off The Snow Queen, there was this illustration of a two- or three-meter-tall giant wielding a sword. Guts’ sword is a cross between those two. It’s just the right size to be still somehow carryable while giving that close-to-the-action feeling of violent men’s manga. 

All these inspirations arise from the fact that Miura has been a big manga fan since the beginning, and he has always dreamed of becoming a manga creator.


And now years later, even after his passing, Berserk and the protagonist Guts are inspiring and influencing other manga creators.

You can read the Berserk manga on Dark Horse.


Written by Tarun Kohli

Articles Published: 1427

Konichiwa! With a Master's Degree in Journalism and Mass Communication and a 2-year experience in Digital media writing, I am on my way to becoming one of the biggest anime content writers in my country. My passion for writing and Anime has helped me connect with Fandomwire, and share my love and experience with the world.