“There will be an answer as to what happened”: Mr. & Mrs. Smith Season 2 Might Have Come Back to Senses as Show Open to Bringing Back Donald Glover

Francesca Sloane comes with good news.

Donald Glover Mr and Mrs Smith


  • It was recently revealed by a source that Maya Erskine and Donald Glover would not be returning for the next season of Mr. & Mrs. Smith.
  • Francesca Sloane, the showrunner, commented on these speculations.
  • She also talked about the script of the second season and if Jane and John are actually dead.
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Soon after the release of the first season of Mr. & Mrs. Smith, it was reported that the second season would not have the same actors. A source claimed that Maya Erskine and Donald Glover will not be coming back, and the series will continue with new faces. Naturally, many fans were disappointed by the news and thought it was the end of yet another good series because of bureaucracy.


Mr. & Mrs. Smith [Credit: Amazon Prime Video]
Mr. & Mrs. Smith [Credit: Amazon Prime Video]
However, it would seem that there is still some hope from fans of a certain John and Jane Smith. Francesca Sloane, the showrunner, recently gave an interview about the speculation, and she seems to have nothing but positive things to say.

There May Still Be Hope For Mr. & Mrs. Smith

Recently, Francesca Sloane gave an interview with Entertainment Weekly, where she addressed the rumors about Maya Erskine and Donald Glover’s exit from Mr. & Mrs. Smith. A source who claimed to be close to the project revealed the ‘insider’ information to Variety. While the news spread like wildfire, the showrunner was quick to clear up the speculation.


I was just talking to Donald last night about this and we were laughing, because one of the pieces of press said, ‘according to our sources,’ and we’re like, ‘Who are these sources?’

Donald Glover and Maya Erskine in Amazon's Mr. & Mrs. Smith
Donald Glover and Maya Erskine in Amazon’s Mr. & Mrs. Smith [Credit: Amazon Prime Video]
She revealed that she and Glover, who is also a producer on the series, talked about their headlines, and they seemed to find them quite entertaining. Sloane specifically mentioned the source who ‘spilled’ this information, revealing that they have no idea who these sources are or where they are getting the information from.

Season Two Will Come With Answers

Francesca Sloane then added that the first season ended on a cliffhanger for a very specific reason. They would not want to spoil the build-up for the next season by telling the world if John and Jane Smith are alive so soon.

We wrote a cliffhanger, we thought about it long and hard. It was one of the first things that we wrote. Why in the world — we haven’t said anything — but why in the world would we ruin a cliffhanger based on a headline?

Donald Glover and Maya Erskine in Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2024)
Donald Glover and Maya Erskine in Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2024) [Credit: Amazon Prime Video]
She then went on to talk about the plans for the second season of Mr. & Mrs. Smith. She revealed that season two of the series has not been written yet. This means that Jane’s and John’s fates are still unknown.


We didn’t even get to start writing [season 2] yet. Maya and Donald may be dead; they may not be dead. There will be an answer as to what happened at the end of season 1 in season 2.

Amazon Prime Video's Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2024)
Amazon Prime Video’s Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2024) [Credit: Amazon Prime Video]
She refused to give a confirmation if they were actually dead or not and added that the answer would be revealed at the beginning of the next season.


Mr. & Mrs. Smith is available for streaming on Prime Video.


Written by Ananya Godboley

Articles Published: 1209

A poet and art enthusiast, Ananya Godboley is a striving academic who is pursuing a career in Criminal Psychology, currently doing an undergrad degree in Psychology. Passionate about History, Philosophy and Literature, she loves to learn about new and interesting subjects. A writer for FandomWire with over 1000 published articles, she adores all things superhero and Taylor Swift.