“They were all meant to stand on their own”: Taylor Sheridan’s Yellowstone Fame Can Do One Thing Right for Sicario 3 After Studio Denied His Request for Soldado

Sicario 3 just may end up being better than the previous installments, all because of the fame Taylor Sheridan earned from Yellowstone.

Sicario 3


  • Taylor Sheridan wanted his film Soldado to stand alone, but it was released as Sicario: Day of the Soldado due to marketing decisions.
  • Sheridan's request to rename the film was rejected, despite him being the primary creator.
  • The success of Yellowstone may now give Sheridan more influence over the titles of his future projects, including Sicario 3.
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Taylor Sheridan may be one of the greatest writer-cum-directors in Hollywood’s entire entertainment industry, but it’s not always that he gets to have his way with his projects.


In fact, if anything, one of the biggest issues on which he has often locked horns with marketers is on the titles his projects are gonna be known by at the end of the day.

Taylor Sheridan in a still from Yellowstone. | Credit: Paramount Network.
Taylor Sheridan. | Credit: Paramount Network.

That being said, his request was even refused when he asked for his film to be renamed as per his choice as opposed to what it came to be known as, which was Sicario: Day of the Soldado.


But it seems that those days just might change for Sheridan now, especially after all the fame he has acquired through his genius helming of the masterpiece smash-hit series Yellowstone.

Years Ago, Taylor Sheridan Faced Rejection for a Request for Renaming His Movie

As a writer, director, producer, and actor, Taylor Sheridan may seem like the mix of all the Western genre artists in Hollywood, but not all artists of that respective genre are like Sheridan. This is evident from just how unique every single one of the 54-year-old mastermind’s projects is.

A still from Sheridan's Hell or High Water. | Credit: Lionsgate Films.
A still from Sheridan’s Hell or High Water. | Credit: Lionsgate Films.

And yet, when it comes to the marketing executives, it seems like they don’t really see any difference. If anything, it seems like they consider him like nearly every other artist in the industry, who goes through the same thought process until the result comes out.


This was evident, especially, from how he was treated with the proposals he gave for how his projects’ titles should be.

For instance, Hell or High Water originally had a different name, but marketers differed in their opinions and went with this title instead. But that’s a different story.

In this particular instance that Sheridan shared, he was, yet again, refused the request of naming his movie Soldado, just because the marketers seemingly thought it sounded better as a sequel to the 2015 movie rather than a solo one.

A still from Sicario: Day of the Soldado. | Credit: Lionsgate Films.
A still from Day of the Soldado. (2018) | Credit: Lionsgate Films.

According to what the 1883 helmer shared in a 2018 interview with Esquire, the original name for Sicario: Day of the Soldado (which is widely considered a sequel to the 2015 movie) was never supposed to be that because he intended for it to be a stand-alone movie. Sheridan said:

It’s this f—ing business. They were all meant to stand on their own, not as sequels.

However, as can be observed, his request and point of view were turned down even though he was the primary creator of the project.

But while that’s that, it seems like things could seriously change for Sheridan, and for the better, at that. How? Well, the argument is simple: Because of all the fame he has received through Yellowstone.


Yellowstone Could Help the Filmmaker Do Justice to Sicario 3

Yellowstone [Credit: Paramount Network]
Yellowstone. (2018) | Credit: Paramount Network.
While the first and second movies were superhit masterpieces on their own, no doubt, they did seemingly include quite a bit of interference from the production studios, as can be especially understood by the above-mentioned example.

However, the fame that the 1923 director received from his Kevin Costner-starrer series could change the situation for him for the third film.

This is because before, even though he was more or less well known (especially after writing the script for the original film from 2015), he wasn’t as respected or acclaimed or even stood on an elevated ground as he does now, after his 2018 series’ remarkable success.

A still from Sicario. (2015) | Credit: Lionsgate Films.
A still from Sicario. (2015) | Credit: Lionsgate Films.

That being said, riding on such high and immaculate heights of fame and success must have indeed allowed him quite some authority with the studios, eventually paving the way for him to be able to dictate his own terms for his projects, especially with the titles of his movies.

Plus, with so well-known and holding enough authority would also allow Sheridan to make a worth-conclusive blockbuster trilogy derived from the depths of his genius mind — one that he would be able to do justice to, without any (or at least much) intervention from the higher-ups.

You can stream Yellowstone on Paramount+ and Day of the Soldado on Netflix.


Written by Mahin Sultan

Articles Published: 1241

Mahin Sultan is a News Content Writer at FandomWire. With more than a year's worth of experience in her field, she has explored and attained a deep understanding of numerous topics in various niches, mostly entertainment.

An all-things-good enthusiast, Mahin is currently pursuing her Bachelor's degree in Commerce, and her love for entertainment has given her a solid foundation of reporting in the same field. Besides being a foodie, she loves to write and spends her free time either with her nose buried in a good book or binging on COD or K-dramas, anime, new movies, and TV serials (the awesome ones, obviously).

So far, Mahin's professional portfolio has 1,000+ articles written on various niches, including Entertainment, Health and wellbeing, and Fashion and trends, among others.