“They were trying to find a reason to attack us”: The GTA: San Andreas Scene That Made Congress Declare War on Rockstar

The hidden minigame that sparked a political firestorm.

the gta: san andreas,


  • The "Hot Coffee" mod in GTA: San Andreas allowed players to access a hidden mini-game featuring explicit sexual content.
  • Rockstar initially blamed hackers for the mod, but it was later revealed that the content was already in the game, just hidden.
  • The controversy led to a re-rating of the game from Mature (M) to Adults Only (AO) and sparked a broader conversation about video game content regulation.
  • The incident had a lasting impact on the video game industry, leading to stricter guidelines for game ratings and increased scrutiny of game content.
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Few developers in the video game industry have courted controversy as consistently as Rockstar Games. The company behind the immensely popular Grand Theft Auto series has never shied away from pushing a few boundaries and ruffling a few feathers.


But in 2004, one particular incident involving their hit game GTA: San Andreas would escalate into a full-blown political firestorm, attracting the ire of lawmakers and forever changing the scene of video game regulation.

The scandal erupted when Dutch modder Patrick Wildenborg uncovered a hidden mini-game buried deep within the code of GTA: San Andreas. This mini-game, which would later become infamous under the name “Hot Coffee,” allowed players to engage in explicit s*xual activities with the protagonist, Carl “CJ” Johnson’s girlfriends. The “Hot Coffee” scene, named after the euphemism used in the game to invite CJ inside their girlfriend’s home, featured fully animated s*xual intercourse, including oral s*x.


Rockstar’s Response and Congressional Backlash

Promotional artwork for Rockstar Games' Grand Theft Auto: Sand Andreas definitive edition release.
Promotional artwork for the remastered “definitive” edition. | Rockstar Games

Wildenborg, a software engineer and self-proclaimed casual gamer, had been tinkering with the PS2 code of GTA: San Andreas in preparation for the game’s PC release. He discovered several s*xually suggestive file names within the game’s code, hinting at the existence of the hidden “Hot Coffee” scene. When San Andreas was released for Windows, Wildenborg was able to create a mod that unlocked the explicit content, making it accessible to players.

News of the “Hot Coffee” mod spread like wildfire, eventually catching the attention of mainstream media outlets and politicians. As the controversy grew, Rockstar found itself under increasing scrutiny. In a statement released to the press, Rockstar attempted to distance itself from the mod, stating:

So far we have learned that the ‘hot coffee’ modification is the work of a determined group of hackers who have gone to significant trouble to alter scenes in the official version of the game.

In violation of the software user agreement, hackers created the ‘hot coffee’ modification by disassembling and then combining, recompiling and altering the game’s source code.

Rockstar Games, June 2005

Despite Rockstar’s efforts to downplay the significance of the “Hot Coffee” mod, Congress demanded a Federal Trade Commission (FTC) investigation into the game’s content. Company emails were subpoenaed, and Rockstar co-founder Sam Houser was questioned by the FTC. The increasing political pressure forced the ESRB to re-evaluate the game’s rating, which was eventually changed from Mature (M) to Adults Only (AO).


Rockstar’s Defense and Industry Impact

Screenshot of a scene from the Grand Theft Auto 6 game trailer.
A scene from GTA 6’s record-breaking trailer. | Rockstar Games

In an interview with Vulture, Dan Houser, co-founder of Rockstar Games, reflected on the controversy, stating:

The scale of this stress always had the air of ludicrousness to me. It always felt like they were trying to find a reason to attack us. It was so drawn out. But I wasn’t directly in the line of fire. It took a greater toll on those who were than it did on me.

The fallout from the “Hot Coffee” controversy had a significant influence on the video game industry. The ESRB implemented stricter guidelines for game ratings, requiring developers to disclose any potentially objectionable content, even if it was not readily available to players. The incident also sparked a broader conversation about the role of video games in society and the responsibilities/obligations of game developers.

For Rockstar Games, though, the “Hot Coffee” scandal was a watershed moment. The company emerged from the controversy with a reputation as a boundary-pushing provocateur, willing to take risks and challenge the status quo. This rebellious image would go on to define the company’s identity and fuel the success of future titles like Grand Theft Auto IV and Red Dead Redemption.


As fans eagerly await the release of the next chapter in the iconic series, Grand Theft Auto 6, the legacy of the “Hot Coffee” event remains strong. While Rockstar has been tight-lipped about the upcoming title’s content, it’s clear that the company will continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in the video game business.

GTA: San Andreas is available on multiple platforms, including PlayStation, Xbox, PC, and mobile. The game has been re-released with the controversial content removed, maintaining its “Mature” rating.

Grand Theft Auto VI is set to release in “Fall 2025” for the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S, with a PC version expected to follow in 2026.


Written by Soumyajit Mukherjee

Articles Published: 48

Soumyajit (ign: LockDown) is a die-hard PC gamer with a passion for competitive FPS games, having played Rainbow Six Siege at a competitive level in the past. For nearly two years, he has turned his love for gaming and writing into a profession, delivering the latest gaming news and guides to his readers. And when he is not writing or dominating the lobby in Call of Duty or Valorant, you can find him in theaters watching the latest comic book films or binge-watching anime and thriller flicks!