“Those are the only films I don’t watch”: Tom Cruise Shares One Common Trait With Johnny Depp Despite Earning $10B at the Box-Office

Tom Cruise Shares One Common Trait With Johnny Depp Despite Earning $10B at the Box-Office
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Tom Cruise is one of the film industry’s most well-recognized and respected individuals. He has made a name for himself through his work in massively successful projects like the Mission: Impossible franchise, the Top Gun films, Jack Reacher, and Jerry Maguire. He has established himself as an actor who is willing to go above and beyond for his roles and prove his skill and talent time and time again. He has also been awarded for his achievements a number of times, including being nominated for an Academy Award four times throughout his career.

Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise

Being as successful as he is, one would expect Cruise to be incredibly proud of his work, having no shame in visiting his recent or past projects just for the sake of it. This does not seem to be the case as the actor revealed some surprising news about his day-to-day life and what he does and doesn’t do during his free time.

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What Does Tom Cruise Do In His Free Time?

During an interview with Jimmy Fallon, Tom Cruise was asked what he does during his free time, asking if the actor ever just sits down, and does nothing but watch movies. The star surprisingly stated that he loves watching movies and that it is a very big aspect of his day-to-day life. Cruise elaborated, stating that he makes it a point to watch one movie every single day as a part of his daily routine.

Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise

“Yeah, I watch a lot of movies. Yeah, I watch about a movie a day. I try to. Yeah, I love movies, I grew up loving movies and had jobs and went to movies.” he went on, “And then I grew up, I got to make movies.”

He then went on to explain the reason for this, mentioning that growing up, he loved watching films, having this interest as a very big part of his life. Now, even though he works in films, he has not lost his love for them and still enjoys them just as much as he did when he was younger. Cruise then went on to reveal quite a surprising fact.

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Tom Cruise Does Not Watch His Own Films

After saying this, Tom Cruise revealed that the only movies that he does not watch are his own. This is quite surprising considering the fact that the actor has featured in so many successful, adored, and critically acclaimed films, with more than $10 billion worldwide aggregate box office.

Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise

Those are the only films that i don’t watch” said Cruise.

Cruise is not alone in this as many actors have confessed to not being able to watch their own work, including the Pirates of the Caribbean star, Johnny Depp, who revealed that he does not like watching himself in films and much prefers the experience of shooting them rather than watching them.

Also Read: “I need to have a little bit of that as well”: After Tom Cruise, Christian Bale Took Inspiration From The Most Unlikely Mega Celebrity For His $34M Breakout Role


Source: Youtube


Written by Ananya Godboley

Articles Published: 1162

A poet and art enthusiast, Ananya Godboley is a striving academic who is pursuing a career in Criminal Psychology, currently doing an undergrad degree in Psychology. Passionate about History, Philosophy and Literature, she loves to learn about new and interesting subjects. A writer for FandomWire with over 1000 published articles, she adores all things superhero and Taylor Swift.