“Until the [redacted] invade, I have a lot less motivation”: Helldivers 2 Player is Stuck in a Familiar Situation and Arrowhead Need to Remedy It

Helldivers 2 players are now wondering how to bide their time as they await the Illuminate.

helldivers 2,


  • One Helldivers 2 player has asked the community how they're spending their time in the game.
  • The poster states they have completed every major task in the game and are now awaiting the arrival of the illuminate.
  • With a longer Warbon release schedule, Arrowhead needs to add more content that retains more players.
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The challenge for Helldivers 2, as with any live service title, is to keep things interesting enough for players to want to return to the game. Now, this is done through the various periodic content updates called Warbonds for Helldivers 2, but this isn’t always guaranteed.


The idea is that the Warbonds should keep players engaged. But some players are so skilled or can dedicate enough time to speed through all of the new content. Now, Arrowhead Game Studios needs to work on this issue to retain players.

Arrowhead Needs to Include More Content for Advanced Helldivers 2 Players

A Helldivers 2 match with a player shooting at a target.
What do you do when you have done everything in Helldivers 2? | Credit: Steam

The worst thing that can happen to a game is for the player to feel no motivation to play. This is inevitable with narrative-driven games, but it’s a bad sign for live-service titles. It seems one Redditor has maxed out their enjoyment of Helldivers 2, which may be a bad sign for the studio.


This Helldivers 2 subreddit member has reached out to the community to ask what the rest do to keep the game interesting after completing almost everything else. The post states they have put in a lot of time into the game, and while they do want to continue playing it, they are also finding it difficult to stay motivated.

The user listed their accomplishments so far: maxing out all Warbonds, unlocking all stratagems, weapons, and ship modules, and almost every Steam achievement too. They still find it fun to jump into some games here and there, but the motivation isn’t the same. With Arrowhead now taking even longer to release new Warbonds, this might become a serious issue.

byu/stankynuts45 from discussion

Other commenters have spoken about what they did to keep going in the game, but all that shows is that there are many Helldivers 2 players with not much to do in the game. It’s clear that many are now finally awaiting the arrival of the Illuminate, but it’s a possibility that’s still very much up in the air.


Helldivers 2 Needs New Factions and Content to Keep Player Attention

A Helldiver running away from the flamethrower attack of an Automaton.
The studio needs to add more challenges to keep things interesting. | Credit: Steam

While it’s a good thing that the studio will be taking more time to develop Warbonds, it also could mean player interest wanes over time. The new CEO of the studio had stated that Helldivers 2 may retread old ground to let players collect any gear they might have missed out on, but he was unsure of how such a move could be pulled off.

This may be a good way to reuse older content as a stop-gap solution for the content issue. But the team needs to have a clear path in mind as to how the story is going to progress. Even jumping from Warbond to Warbond is going to feel stale at some point.

It’s clear that the fans now finally want the Illuminate to enter the fray. It’s gotten to the point that even random ships in the skies get people talking about their arrival. If the team keeps them hidden for much longer, it may end up backfiring on them.


Are you still enjoying your time in Helldivers 2? Let us know in the comments below!

Sagar Nerala

Written by Sagar Nerala

Articles Published: 328

Gaming was one of my earliest passions then along came writing, and here we are. I've been in the content creation space for several years now and as gamer for even longer. From understanding the complexities of a multilayer narrative to the simply joy of "big gun go boom", my goal is to capture all the emotions in between and put them down in an engaging manner.