“Using fans to work for free is a really really bad look”: Ubisoft Court More Controversy Over Assassin’s Creed Shadows Contest and It’ll Leave The Dev Wishing it Hadn’t Bothered

This studio has undertaken yet another peculiar marketing strategy.

assassin’s creed shadows contest


  • Ubisoft is hosting a strange contest for numerous participants to lend their voices as NPCs in Assassin's Creed Shadows.
  • This has gone viral on social media, with many people believing that the company is saving money as these participants will not be paid.
  • Additionally, various voice actors have complained about this, even accusing the developer of training AIs with these voices.
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After many rumors and a lot of information leaked online, the name and release date of the new game from Ubisoft’s most popular franchise have finally been confirmed. Assassin’s Creed Shadows will arrive in November and promises to be a breath of fresh air for the saga, which had several games that failed to fully convince fans. 


However, the publisher is facing negative publicity due to an unusual contest in which fans are invited to contribute their voices to non-playable characters within the game. Participants in this contest will not receive any payment.

Another Controversy Involving Ubisoft Thanks to a Strange Contest

Ubisoft introduced an strange contest for Assassin's Creed Shadows fans.
Ubisoft introduced an strange contest for Assassin’s Creed Shadows fans.

The upcoming release of Assassin’s Creed Shadows this year has many fans genuinely excited. Followers of the franchise who have tried countless games believe that this title could bring the saga back to a higher quality. November of this year will see the release of this eagerly awaited game.


Only a few games in the franchise will have two protagonists with distinct fighting styles and weapons. In a recent controversy, Ubisoft introduced an unusual contest that encourages participants to record their voice for potential inclusion in this title.

Ubisoft launched the contest on TikTok, promising to feature the winners’ voices as an NPC in the game.

This quickly went viral on social media, and many users disagree with this contest, thinking that the company wants to exploit fans’ enthusiasm without paying them for the work they will do.


Assassin’s Creed Shadows Will Feature Fan Voices as NPCs

The game will be released on November.
The game will be released on November.

Among the numerous responses against this contest, several voice actors and actresses have spoken about how the studio is trying to exploit the contestants without paying them what is due for their voices.

There are even many users who have accused the company of wanting to use these voices to train artificial intelligence for future games. This latter point makes a lot of sense, as not long ago Ubisoft presented a technology where NPCs could respond in games just by listening to our voice.

The majority of reactions to this unexpected contest have been extremely negative. Numerous users have responded to the company’s various social media posts, expressing their preference for payment for this work or similar comments.


This indicates that the studio’s reputation is not favorable, and only certain companies, highly regarded by the players, can carry out such tasks. Assassin’s Creed Shadows will be released on November 12th for PS5, Xbox Series S/X, and PC. The game will feature two protagonists: on one side, the popular Afro-Samurai, a real legend known as Yasuke.

The other protagonist will be a ninja or shinobi apprentice named Naoe, who will join forces for a common goal. This title could redeem the franchise, which has had several similar games that failed to convince the most die-hard fans of this saga.

What are your thoughts on this strange contest? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Lucas Lapetina

Articles Published: 641

I'm a big fan of movies and videogames in general. I really love Pokémon and Godzilla. One of my favorite games is The Last of Us, Part II. A compelling and well-written story is always welcome.