“I abandoned the game since the nerf”: Valorant Viper Mains Aren’t Happy With Riot ‘Completely Killing’ Her After Years of Abuse

This is not the time to be a Viper main in Valorant.

Viper Valorant


  • The recent nerfs to Viper in Valorant are the final nail to the coffin for the character. The character is barely picked now.
  • Viper Mains have been unhappy with the constant and unending nerfs that the character has gotten till now.
  • The way Riot Games balances the agents in Valorant makes it even worse as Viper isn't the only agent who has gotten this treatment.
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The Valorant community is still reeling from Riot Games’ recent nerfs to one of the game’s most beloved agents. Viper mains have been in shambles with the consistent chain of nerfs that the character has gotten over time.


You may have heard of character assassination in movies or TV, but Valorant also has its own example. Viper was once a staple in the game due to her lineups and the ability to place and pick up her smoke. Now she feels lackluster in every way and is barely picked.

Slowly but Surely, We’ve Reached the Bottom of Viper’s Downfall in Valorant

An in-game screenshot of Valorant
An in-game screenshot of Valorant
An in-game screenshot of Valorant
An in-game screenshot of Valorant

Players have pointed out that the nerfs have rendered Viper less effective in both casual and competitive play of Valorant. Yes she still sees a high pick rate in professional games. But these stats are quite misleading.


The majority of the player base doesn’t operate in a coordinated team environment, making Viper’s pro-level viability irrelevant to their experiences. The severity of her nerfs negatively impacts her use in standard matches.

byu/Normal_Advisor9618 from discussion

Many Viper mains have talked about their disappointment with some even quitting the game altogether. A user on the ViperMains subreddit mentioned abandoning the game since the nerf, stating that Viper was their main reason for playing.

The ViperMains community has also called out Riot Games for their approach to balancing the game. Many feel that the Riot is out of touch with the player base and that the nerfs were unnecessary.

byu/Normal_Advisor9618 from discussion

One player mentioned feeling an “existential crisis” since the nerfs, struggling to find another agent that offers the same level of enjoyment and strategic depth as Viper. This sentiment is echoed by many who have invested significant time in mastering her complex playstyle.

And The Worst Part is, Viper Won’t Be The Only One

A still of Viper from Valorant
Riot Games’ approach to agent balance in Valorant is not it. | Image Credit: Riot Games

The history of Viper’s updates shows a pattern of continuous nerfs. From reducing the duration and increasing the cost of her abilities to altering her fuel regeneration rate, Riot has consistently weakened Viper’s kit over multiple patches.

And the ironic part is that Viper is just one of the Valorant agents going through this. There are other characters that have either been consistently nerfed, or remained untouched for so long.


Many players have noted that Viper was already considered a weaker pick before the nerfs. The consistent changes over the patches have only made it worse. She even had a mere 3% pick rate before these latest changes.

Some players have adapted by switching to other agents like Omen or Deadlock. But Riot’s attempt to balance the game through these nerfs has not convinced Viper mains. It is unlikely that any of these changes will be reverted anytime soon.

Are you also a Viper main in Valorant lamenting her nerfs? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Daniel Royte

Articles Published: 180

Daniel is a gamer through and through with a passion for gaming in his veins. His current adventures have taken him into the world of Elden Ring, Wuthering Waves, and Genshin Impact, amongst others.