Valorant’s Plans to Destroy Iso in Next Patch, so Iso Mains Need to Make the Most of It

Use Iso before it's too late.

iso in valorant,


  • With Iso's current overpowered state due to his "Double Tap" ability, it's best to use him now to gain easy wins before the upcoming nerfs in the next patch.
  • The planned nerfs will remove the two-kill reset on Iso's "Double Tap" ability and reduce the shield duration from 40 seconds to 12 seconds, significantly lowering his power level.
  • Iso's dominance isn't unique. Previous agents like Chamber and Jett were also overpowered at release and needed nerfs to balance the game.
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Valorant’s agent, Iso, has been wreaking havoc on the battlefield since it got a buff two weeks ago. The character has been so dominant since then that he has quickly climbed the charts of meta characters to play, which essentially guarantees an easy win. However, it seems that it is coming to an end, with Riot Games planning to nerf him in the next patch.


The changes are coming to Iso’s “Double Tap” ability, which is the primary reason he is broken right now. The kill reset, combined with his ability to maintain a shield for a long period, is being weakened. Therefore, for anyone looking to exploit Iso and rack up easy wins, now is the time to do it.

Play Iso in Valorant Before He is Toned Down

Iso's busted "Double Tap" ability is making him obnoxious to face
Iso’s busted “Double Tap” ability is making him obnoxious to face

In the current patch, Iso can reset his “Double Tap” ability, which allows him to gain a momentary shield that can absorb damage from one instance, barring spike damage. Although very powerful, the main problem arises due to the reset mechanic involved in it.


Currently, Iso can reset the shield by getting two kills, and if he hits an orb, the shield’s duration is extended by 40 seconds. This makes snowballing with Iso an easy task with little to no counterplay. What’s frustrating is that Iso becomes even more busted on players with good mechanical skills, as they essentially can tank damage for free.

Fortunately, Riot Games is taking swift action in nerfing Iso to balance out the agent. According to the game designer for Valorant, @penguinVALORANT, the two-kill reset on “Double Tap” is being removed. Furthermore, the duration of the shield is being reduced from 40s to 12s.

The Nerfs will definitely bring down the power level of Iso currently. It is a welcome change that gives opponents more room to counter, while players using Iso will have to be more cautious of how and when they use the ability. Regardless, if you are looking to get some free wins on the battlefield, spamming Iso is the way to go.


Most Busted Agents In Valorant’s History

Chamber was busted on release
Chamber was busted on release

Riot Games releasing a busted agent in a Valorant is not a new sight. There have been a few cases in the past where some agents became so powerful that they had to be nerfed immediately.

On release, Chamber was considered one of the most broken agents in the game. He was able to teleport from A site to B site on Bind using his ability “Rendezvous.” This allowed him to cover the entirety of the map as he could teleport to extreme ends with just a click. Furthermore, his ultimate, which grants him a sniper rifle, used to be fully automatic.

Jett is another agent that used to be obnoxious to face. Her ultimate ability, “Blade Storm,” used to refresh on right click along with dashing immediately. This allowed her to escape tricky situations with dash while she could still damage by throwing blades. Of course, this was later changed as there was minimal counterplay available to her ultimate.


What’s your opinion on the current state of Iso? Do you think the nerfs will balance him out? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Kuldeep Thapa

Articles Published: 36

Kuldeep is an electrical engineer and a writer for FandomWire with over 5 years of experience under the belt. He is a keen learner who consistently tries to improve and is always up for the grind. Besides delving into the Pokemon world, he enjoys playing League of Legends and many other competitive games.