Valve Have Given Up on Team Fortress 2, and It Couldn’t Be More Obvious

Players are frustrated, signing petitions, and review bombing the game.

team fortress 2


  • Valve is one of the most reputed video companies, especially for PC gamers.
  • The company is responsible for the most popular PC video game marketplace, Steam.
  • Team Fortress 2, one of the best games to ever be developed by the company, is dying a slow death as cheaters run rampant in the title.
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Team Fortress 2 is one of the most popular titles to be developed by Valve. The game, despite being released over 15 years ago, is still relevant thanks to moments in the game that have made for some of the most shared memes on the Internet.


Despite the game still being available for gamers to play in 2024 and the player count being substantial enough for it not to be forsaken. Unfortunately, players feel that Valve has already moved on from the title. Players express their displeasure with the studio’s treatment of the cult title by posting on social media.

Players Criticize Valve for Abandoning Team Fortress 2

This is pretty much what a game of Team Fortress 2 should look like, but not when cheaters plague it.
This is pretty much what a game of Team Fortress 2 should look like, but not when cheaters plague it.

Team Fortress 2 is a title that will go down in history as one of the best free-to-play shooters to release. The IP began life as a mod for Quake but was later converted to a standalone franchise and acquired by Valve. Despite its popularity, fans now feel Gabe Newell’s company has no intentions to support the title further.


Various players resort to aimbots and unfair means in the game, making the experience incredibly frustrating for players who want to have a good time. Fans shared various clips and posts of encountering cheaters and bots in the game:

Fans have begun signing petitions for the game’s cheating problem in hopes that the studio will take some action and TF2 will become playable again.


Apart from signing petitions, some other fans have also started review-bombing the game, making its recent review fall lower than the infamous Overwatch 2. Also, a statistic shared by SteamDB proves that the game’s fans unanimously demand an end to botting in the game:


While the studio is busy with other video game titles and venturing into other genres, almost 80 thousand fans who log into the game daily deserve better. The petition for saving the game has already gotten loads of signatures, and if it continues to grow, all of this might get the studio’s attention.

The Save TF2 Petition Has Over 240,000 Signatures During the Time of Writing

Fans have begun signing petitions to save their favorite game.
Fans have begun signing petitions to save their favorite game.

Valve is abandoning its idea of creating titles like Half-Life and focusing almost solely on multiplayer games when one of its most acclaimed games is dying a slow death. The video game company seems only to be a shadow of what it once was.

While over 200,000 players are petitioning for the game to do away with cheaters, some people have already tried to sabotage this attempt by fans by filing a false DMCA takedown complaint:


Valve also has similar complaints registered from its players against titles that are much more current and famous, like CS2.

Petitions in the industry by gamers aren’t something scarce. They pop up anytime a studio or a game does something that goes against what most fraternity members think. The same is valid with the game’s petition website,


What is your current take on the cheating situation with the games mentioned above and on the studio as a whole? We would love to know your thoughts in the comments below.


Written by Sparsh Jaimini

Articles Published: 445

Sparsh Jaimini Sharma is a video games enthusiast and a Games Writer. A true white-blooded Madridsta. He is often seen grinding away at EAFC 24's Ultimate team and learning to code when he is not writing. A Batman fan and Arkham Games connoisseur. He is the quintessential DC aficionado.