Valve’s Overwatch-esque 6v6 Deadlock Gameplay Leaks, and It Might Not be Half Life 3, but it Still Looks Brain-Bending Good Fun

It's like DOTA 2 and Overwatch had a baby.

half life 3, deadlock


  • Leaked gameplay footage reveals a wide variety of available characters.
  • Deadlock has not officially been announced by Valve as of yet.
  • Deadlock will combine elements of hero shooters and MOBAs.
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Deadlock has not yet been officially announced, but Valve’s new game is already stirring up social media due to recent leaks. Last week, Tyler McVicker, a journalist covering the developer, reported on its development and mentioned that the game was in a closed testing phase.


Now, new information has surfaced online, including a short leaked gameplay that provides more details about the game in production. Although it is not the long-awaited Half-Life 3, this gameplay demonstrates that Gabe Newell still knows how to create engaging games, and his new title will be a mix of several popular concepts on the market, like Overwatch and MOBAs.

What the Leaked Gameplay of Valve’s Deadlock Shows

Similar to Overwatch, Deadlock will be Valve's new hero shooter
Similar to Overwatch, Deadlock will be Valve’s new hero shooter

The leaked gameplay of newest Valve game, reveals several intriguing details for curious fans, although it doesn’t show much of the actual matches. The leak posted on Twitter focuses on the game’s training mode, where players can familiarize themselves with the controls and test characters’ movements and abilities.


Additionally, the existence of BioShock Infinite-style skyrails is showcased, allowing players to move quickly across the map. This adds a unique mechanic to the game, enhancing strategy and character mobility during matches.

Part of game’s setting also resembles BioShock Infinite, with advertising signs scattered around the map as period pieces, and the visuals are stylized in a more cartoony and less realistic manner. This could also be an attempt to ensure the game can run on a wide variety of computers, increasing the number of players who can experience it.


Another detail in the leaked gameplay is the variety of characters, each with a distinct style and abilities. Among them, Ivy stands out as an imp-like winged character who can slow and stun enemies while buffing allies. Infernus, a fire demon who deals continuous damage to enemies, is another notable character. Haze, a sneaky robot, and Vindicta, a gothic sniper, are also shown.

These characters are just a few from a much broader list revealed in the leak. The variety promises a diverse and engaging gameplay experience for players, indicating that this game will offer a rich and dynamic environment for players to explore.

Deadlock Will Have a Unique Style

Marvel Rivals is another hero shooter in development
Marvel Rivals is another hero shooter in development

The market is filled with game options, such as Valorant and Overwatch representing Hero Shooters, and DOTA 2 and League of Legends for MOBAs. However, Deadlock aims to mix these two genres and create something more similar to Smite, a third-person game with various elements and rules from other online games that we are accustomed to.


According to rumors, it may be necessary during gameplay to destroy various objectives and enemies on the map to earn money that can be converted into new items to strengthen your character during the match, making it easier to combat opponents.

Despite some of the mechanics sounding generic at certain points, one should not underestimate Valve’s ability to create new games. Interestingly, the developer has not yet commented on the leaks, which could indicate they are preparing for an official announcement soon. Rumors also suggest that some streamers have already had access to this closed test.

Are you excited about this mix of mechanics in Deadlock, and which character will be your main? Do you think the game will be better than Marvel Rivals, another hero shooter currently in production? Which character will you choose as your main character? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Eduardo Ariedo

Articles Published: 22

Writer for as long as he can remember, with an unconditional passion for tabletop RPGs, Bernard Cornwell, and Football Manager.