“Just put us single players with AI teammates”: Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 Needs to Include 1 Offline Mode to Really Cement its GotY Chances

Some people would rather play with A.I. over strangers, that's respectable.

warhammer 40k: space marine 2


  • Space Marine 2 offers a campaign mode playable solo or with up to three players in co-op.
  • The Operations mode, initially co-op only, can be played with bots for solo players.
  • Players can choose from six customizable classes, with unique abilities and upgrades.
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After 13 long years, Space Marine 2, the highly anticipated sequel to Warhammer 40K‘s 2011 video game release, is finally in its release year. Step into the shoes of Captain Titus of the Ultraminecrines Chapter once again, as you fend off hoards of Tyranid swarms to defend the Imperium.


In the recent gameplay overview trailer that was released, Saber Interactive gave a detailed rundown of each of the game modes available as well as important details on progression, co-op, and more. There’s a bit of a problem, however, with one of the most appealing modes being co-op only, with solo players resultantly feeling left out.

Space Marine 2 Dials up the Action to an Eleven

Space Marine 2 - Gameplay Overview Trailer


The newest addition to the Warhammer 40K series is a third-person action shooter with several fun game modes. You’ve got your standard Campaign mode, that can be done solo or in co-op with up to three players, the co-op-focused mode called Operations, and the Eternal War PvP mode.

The point of contention is around Operations mode. Players can choose to play as one of six classes and customize their character to make it their own:

Whether you prefer the Sniper’s Stealth Cloak and long-range abilities, the Vanguard’s Grapnel Launcher, or the Bulkwark’s Chapter Banner and Storm Shield Combination, your Space Marine’s specialty, along with those of your squadmates, will be decisive on the battlefield.

You’ll complete matches alongside two others, and the in-game currency you earn will help you upgrade your character with new class perks and better weapon performance, as well as unlock more cosmetics.


As cool as it sounds, some people have a big issue with it—does this have to be played with real people?

Can You Play Space Marines 2 Operations Mode as a Solo Player?

Thanks to the Space Marine 2 developers thinking a few steps ahead, the answer is a good one.
Thanks to the Space Marine 2 developers thinking a few steps ahead, the answer is a good one.

Some people may be locked out of the mode if it’s co-op only, as people may not have friends to play with and don’t want to play with strangers (unless they’re Henry Cavill, probably).

Or, they may not have the strongest internet connection to engage in a mode like this. It could also be that they’d prefer to play alone.


The game mode’s armor and cosmetics progression is something you don’t see in the campaign mode, and those who would prefer playing solo could miss out.

I hope Operations missions can be played in singleplayer
byu/ResidentDrama9739 inSpacemarine


As a compromise, one player suggests making the mode accessible to solo players by replacing your teammates with A.I.

Thankfully, this question has already been answered in the official Space Marines 2 Discord community. Yes, you can choose to play Operations mode with bots; no real players are necessary. It’s unclear if you still need an internet connection in this case.

Will you be tuning into Space Marine 2? What game mode appealed to you the most from the trailer? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!


Written by Vibha Hegde

Articles Published: 335

Vibha is an avid gamer that has been in the content writing space for over three years. With a Bachelors in Computer Applications, Vibha chooses to explore their passion for pop culture and gaming. When not hunkered over a controller trying to beat the Demon of Hatred in Sekiro, you can find Vibha relaxing to jazz during a digital painting session.