“That’s a huge mistake…”: Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2’s Reveal Not Necessarily the Gamechanger Fans Wanted

Could one system in the PvP game mode spell trouble for the game?

warhammer 40k: space marine 2


  • There could be an XP based weapons progression in the game.
  • One post on Reddit seems to suggest this system won't work for this title.
  • Many of the comments appear to agree.
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The upcoming multiplayer Warhammer 40K: Space Marines 2 looks to be a promising title for fans of the series, however, it seems that it could have made one big mistake.


A user made a post on Reddit expressing their thoughts on why the decision is a bad one and giving their reasons as to why the system used in the ever popular Call of Duty franchise won’t work for a Warhammer Game.

What is the Gamechanger Fans Aren’t Pleased About?

Space Marine 2 should take this into account.
Weapons in the Warhammer universe should not be a ‘1:1‘ power balance. Image Credit: Saber Interactive

The system in question is that of XP-based weapon unlocking, the system used in popular first-person shooter games, and as the Reddit post explains, this will not work if they use the Call of Duty model. This is because of the way weapons work within the Warhammer universe.


Unlike in other games, weapons in Warhammer 40K, all have different levels of power and usefulness as the user made the example of a Plasma Gun being a better weapon than a Bolt Gun.

Weapons are used as upgrades, not ‘sidegrades‘ as the user expresses in the post. For XP progression to work, it should try to use a similar system as that in the Star Wars: Battlefront game franchise instead.

Space Marine 2 multiplayer
byu/Bogtear inSpacemarine

The poster explains that this is because in the Warhammer 40K universe weapons are not a ‘1:1 balance‘ so they should not be balanced in the game either and having an XP-based progression system will limit the enjoyment casual players may get out of the game.


As the OP explains in the below comment using the Battlefront style system, perhaps having a limited number of certain characters or weapons would be better for levelling in the game.

What Other Fans Think of this Notion

Warhammer 40K's newest entry looks fantastic.
Some commenters seemed to echo the OP`s opinion about the system. Image Credit: Saber Interactive

The comments on the post seemed pretty split with one person writing a rather long comment seemingly agreeing with the OP that if it were an XP-based game, then new players would be “lamb to slaughter” until they earn enough XP to get any weapons that would be worth it.

The commenter does, in fact, make valid points.

byu/Bogtear from discussion

This comment shows they agree that there should be some other sort of system due to the power imbalance between weapons in the game. They also express their opinion that every weapon should feel viable and have a use within the game.

byu/Bogtear from discussion

Another comment points out that if one weapon in the game was too powerful it would just make all other weapons pretty much pointless and to have that in a multiplayer scenario would be a terrible idea.

What do you think? Is an XP-based system a good or bad idea? What weapons are you most looking forward to using? Let us know in the comments section down below!!


Written by Stuart Murray

Articles Published: 32

Hello There, I'm Stuart a huge video game, tech and film fan heralding from the North of England, I'm constantly trying out the latest that games have to offer or buying the latest gadgets ......even if i wont use them!