“Waste of a great actress”: James Gunn Can Fix One Mistake of Zack Snyder With Rachel Brosnahan’s Lois Lane in Superman

James Gunn is set to redefine Superman’s legacy with a fresh portrayal of Lois Lane and promising chemistry between the leads.

james Gunn, Zack Snyder, Rachel Brosnahan
Credits:Wikimedia Commons / Gage


  • James Gunn aims to correct Zack Snyder’s portrayal of Lois Lane, avoiding the damsel in distress stereotype and fully utilizing Rachel Brosnahan’s acting talents.
  • Gunn teases exceptional chemistry between David Corenswet as Superman and Rachel Brosnahan as Lois Lane, promising a dynamic on-screen duo.
  • Fans are warming up to the new casting choices, with hopes high for the upcoming Superman movie set to release on July 11, 2025.
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Forty years after the character’s first appearance on the print pages of Action Comics, Superman made his biggest jump yet in terms of making an impact with the live-action set of four movies starring Christopher Reeve. Alongside Margot Kidder as his Lois Lane, the adaptation went on to become one of the most beloved pieces of comic book movie legacy thanks to the handling of the leads at the hands of director Richard Donner.

Amy Adams as Lois Lane looking across in Zack Snyder's DCEU
Amy Adams as Lois Lane in Zack Snyder’s DCEU | DC Studios

Decades later, a much-anticipated 21st-century reboot by Zack Snyder dropped with Henry Cavill in and as the Man of Steel. While the iteration and the director’s subsequent installments to the DCEU suffered from a slew of issues, none became more glaring than his approach to Amy Adams as the superhero’s love interest.

Now, as James Gunn readies to sail a ship with his version starring David Corenswet and Rachel Brosnahan, he should, and likely will, fix that scrutinized mistake of his predecessor.


James Gunn teases exceptional Superman and Lois Lane chemistry

Coming to the co-chair of DC Studios about a couple of years ago, James Gunn left no time to waste as he announced a complete reboot of the canon scheduled to start with his Superman movie. In swift action to make it a reality, he cast David Corenswet as the titular lead and Rachel Brosnahan as Lois Lane a year back and has now taken to Threads to ensure that his plan is moving ahead in the right direction.

Rachel Brosnahan singing in a still from The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Rachel Brosnahan in a still from The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel | Amazon Studio

Teasing a remarkable chemistry between the Twisters actor and The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel actress, the director wrote,

When they first read together it was like magic. What a wonderful year it’s been with two of the most extraordinary, vibrant, and meticulous actors I’ve ever had the opportunity to work with. I can’t wait for you to see them on screen in just a little over a year.

The comments hold importance, as Gunn has the task of fixing Zack Snyder’s missteps of reducing Amy Adams to a damsel in distress and essentially wasting her talents as an actress. The fact was also echoed by Margot Kidder, who lamented the stereotyping of such a versatile face in Hollywood.


Moreover, with Brosnahan proving her mettle with two consecutive Golden Globe Award wins, The Suicide Squad director will be wary of just reducing her to a love interest heavily dependent on Superman and only adding to the runtime without any merit, as was the case with the former DC flick.

Fans begin to believe in David Corenswet and Rachel Brosnahan

David Corenswet fitting his new suit as Superman
David Corenswet as Superman | James Gunn via Instagram

Not long after James Gunn announced the recasting of Henry Cavill, fans stood up in arms, vehemently opposing the decision, with calls to boycott the upcoming movie altogether. Ever since they have come a long way. Following a first look at David Corenswet as Superman and the visionary creative announcing Rachel Brosnahan bringing on great chemistry, many are excited to see what comes up on the table.

In the days following his casting, the new Superman actor took to the task of bulking up and resembling his predecessor more than ever. In many snaps, he showcased a physique similar to the Argylle actor when he had first donned the red cape. With such positives in the mix, fans have their hopes high for the next live-action version of the character.




James Gunn has outlined a 10-year roadmap for his DC Universe, which will have his movie kick-start Chapter 1: Gods and Monsters. Thereafter, he also has plans to bring in the remaining big names from DC comics such as Batman in a meticulously planned series of projects, focused on building an interconnected universe similar to, if not better than, the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Superman is slated for a July 11, 2025 release.


Written by Imteshal Karim

Articles Published: 120

Bearing a penchant for writing in multiple forms, I love telling a good story and hope to tell impactful ones about the fandom's side of the Entertainment industry. I found the movie of my life in Christopher Nolan's 2014' s Interstellar, which fascinated me with the perfect blend of science and cinema, leaving me curious about Hollywood. In my leisure time, you will find me indulging in photography, gardening, and cycling.