“We had a fundamental difference”: George Lucas Would’ve Never Made the Mistake One Star Wars Movie Did That Made Mark Hamill Say “Not my Luke Skywalker”

Actor Mark Hamill argued that Star Wars franchise creator George Lucas would have never depicted Luke as a pessimistic character.

george lucas, mark hamill as luke skywalker
credit: wikimedia commons/justass


  • Star Wars: The Last Jedi remains one of the most divisive movies in the franchise because of its handling of Luke Skywalker's characterization.
  • During an interview, Mark Hamill revealed that Johnson showing Luke as a pessimistic person was against his depiction in Lucas' original trilogy.
  • Hamill admitted that he did not agree with Johnson's vision and stated that he had to treat the character as a different one from Lucas' movies.
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Star Wars: The Last Jedi directed by Rian Johnson remains one of the most divisive films in the epic space-opera franchise created by George Lucas. The film’s depiction and handling of Luke Skywalker’s character arc and changes made to his characterization from the original trilogy of films made under Lucas’ stewardship.

A still from Star Wars: The Last Jedi.
Rian Johnson’s Star Wars: The Last Jedi divided fans of the franchise (Credit: Lucasfilm).

During the promotional events for the movie, actor Mark Hamill, who played Luke Skywalker admitted to having fundamentally different opinions about the character from Johnson. As a result, Hamill denounced Johnson’s depiction of the character and argued that Lucas would never have made a mistake Johnson made in The Last Jedi.

Mark Hamill Disagreed With Luke Skywalker’s Depiction in Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Star Wars: The Last Jedi is the second installment in the sequel trilogy of movies produced under Disney. However, the film received mixed reviews from critics and fans alike, grossing $1.334 billion at the global box office.

Mark Hamill in The Last Jedi
Mark Hamill did not agree with the pessimistic depiction of Luke Skywalker in The Last Jedi (Credit: Lucasfilm).

During an interview with ABC News, actor Mark Hamill discussed Luke Skywalker’s portrayal in the film. Hamill admitted that he did not agree with director Rian Johnson’s depiction of Luke as a hopeless and pessimistic character. He said:

If he made a mistake, he would try and right that wrong, so right there, we had a fundamental difference.

Hamill added that according to him Luke is an optimistic character, who would not abandon his duty as a Jedi.

The actor argued that even if Luke had made a mistake, he would have tried to right his wrongs instead of giving up on the Jedi order. Therefore, Hamill did not agree with Johnson’s depiction of Luke in The Last Jedi, on a fundamental level.


George Lucas Would’ve Never Made the Mistake The Last Jedi Did

George Lucas
Mark Hamill feels George Lucas would’ve never depicted Luke as a hopeless person (Credit: BBC News Night).

During the same interview, Hamill also argued how Johnson’s approach to a film in the Star Wars universe, was drastically different from that of creator George Lucas. The actor also pointed out that he had to think of Luke as a different character from the one he played in Lucas’ original trilogy.

Luke would never say that. I’m sorry. 

Hamill made the above statement explaining how Lucas’ vision for the character and the franchise would have drastically differed from Johnson’s depiction in The Last Jedi.

He’s not my Luke Skywalker. But I had to do what Rian wanted me to do because it serves the story well.

Hamill added the above comment explaining why he ultimately worked as per Johnson’s vision.


Hamill admitted that he did not accept Johnson’s vision because of his prior work with Lucas. As a result, Hamill’s comments strongly implied that Lucas would not have made the mistake of showing Luke as a pessimistic person in The Last Jedi, completely changing the characterization of Luke Skywalker in the sequels.

The Last Jedi and other Star Wars movies are streaming on Disney+. 

Pratik Handore

Written by Pratik Handore

Articles Published: 526

Pratik is a writer at FandomWire, with a content writing experience of five years. Although he has a Bachelors in Hospitality, his fascination with all things pop culture led him to writing articles on a variety of topics ranging from latest streaming releases to unheard movie trivia. When not writing, you can find him reading manga, or watching classic TV shows.