“We literally have clearer pictures of Pluto”: Kate Middleton Controversy Gets Messier as New Pictures of the Duchess Raises Questions

Kate Middleton's most recent photos during her hiatus led to tons of controversy.

“We literally have clearer pictures of Pluto”: Kate Middleton Controversy Gets Messier as New Pictures of the Duchess Raises Questions


  • Kate Middleton is undoubtedly one of the most beloved members of the Royal family.
  • Middleton has been absent from the public eye for a long time.
  • Her latest photos have only created more controversy.
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Kate Middleton, also known as Catherine, has been relatively out of the public eye for a while. Married to Prince William, the heir to the British throne, she is acknowledged for her charitable work and royal duties.

Kate Middleton smiling
Kate Middleton

One notable aspect of Middleton’s duties includes participating in public appearances, which she hasn’t necessarily done in the past few months. With that said, she was finally spotted for the first time during her absence, but the photo only raised questions instead of giving answers.

Kate Middleton Disappeared From The Public Eye For A Considerable Amount of Time

Kate Middleton stressed
Kate Middleton unhappy

Breaking from the usual post-holiday routine, Kate Middleton and Prince William maintained a low profile in January 2024, a departure from Princess Kate’s typically engaged schedule in previous years. After a busy December and a Christmas appearance with the royal family, the couple had limited public outings in the first weeks of the new year, with only one solo appearance by Prince William.


On January 17, it was disclosed by the palace that the 42-year-old Princess of Wales had undergone scheduled abdominal surgery the day before. Following nearly two weeks in the hospital, she transitioned to home recovery, and her return to public engagements is expected post-Easter.

While a palace source informed PEOPLE that Kate “continues to be doing well” in her recovery, the dearth of updates about the Princess of Wales has raised concerns. All that is known at this point is that the issue she faced was non-cancerous.

Just before the memorial service, Kensington Palace informed reporters, and Prince William personally notified King Constantine’s family. Although there are concerns about her recovery, a Palace aide reassured that she is “continuing to progress well.” Since her surgery at the London Clinic on January 16, the Princess has not been seen publicly, with her last appearance being on Christmas Day last year at Sandringham House.


Kate Middleton’s Latest Photos Lead to Controversy

Kate Middleton happy
Kate Middleton before her hiatus

Kate Middleton was seen in a vehicle wearing sunglasses, accompanied by her mother, Carole Middleton, near Windsor Castle in the UK. The Princess had been absent for a few months, and Kensington Palace had only disclosed her hospitalization in a statement, maintaining confidentiality about the details. The statement revealed her abdominal surgery and mentioned that she “will remain in the hospital for ten to fourteen days before returning home to continue her recovery.”

Fans, curious about Middleton’s diagnosis, have observed her maintaining a low profile during her recovery. Until recently, the Princess had stayed out of the public eye. However, her recent appearance came as a shock to fans, as many almost failed to recognize her at first glance on Twitter.

Unsurprisingly, the photo was quite low quality in nature and this led to fans complaining about that fact, with some even claiming there are clearer photos of Pluto out there.



Kensington Palace has clarified that they won’t provide regular updates on Kate Middleton’s recovery. Following her surgery announcement, they mentioned she was unlikely to resume public duties until after Easter. Kate has chosen not to disclose her condition, with the Palace expressing her desire to maintain normalcy for her children and keep her medical information private.


“She hopes that the public will understand her desire to maintain as much normality for her children as possible; and her wish that her personal medical information remains private.”

The possibility of Kate Middleton joining the Royal family for the late March Easter church service remains uncertain. Traditionally, the Royal family attends this event, with last year marking the debut of Prince Louis. The timing of Middleton’s return to the public eye is still unknown, and we will have to wait to see when it happens.


Written by Subhojeet Mookherjee

Articles Published: 499

Subhojeet Mookherjee is a Freelance Entertainment Writer for FandomWire. A lover and expert in all things movies, games, TV shows, music and more. I've been in the writing business for over five years now, covering various topics all over the world. I love engaging in deep conversations with like-minded people.