“WTF was Vince cooking”: John Cena is a God Tier Star When It Comes to Promos But His Painful Confession in This Old Segment is Hard to Watch

John Cena’s old promo video from the WWE is facing a lot of flak from fans online.

John Cena
Credits: Wikimedia Commons / WWE


  • In his stint in the WWE, John Cena has been popularly known for his impressive promos apart from being a champion wrestler.
  • But an old promo of the star that has been dug out of the archives, has been brutally trolled by fans.
  • In the video, Cena is seen hamming his lines which netizens found cringeworthy.
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From WWE champion to successful action star in Hollywood, John Cena has made the seamless transition from sports to acting like his colleague, Dwayne Johnson. The celebrity used his physicality to perfection and proved his mettle in many action-oriented roles in films like The Marine and The Fast and the Furious franchise, before bagging the marquee role of Peacemaker in DC.

John Cena
Hollywood star John Cena (image credit: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons)

In the field of wrestling, the star has given spectators many memorable moments and has often been viewed as the king of promos, which is an important aspect of the sport. But even he could not live down one particular promo appearance that fans have dug out from the archives, that shows The Wall star completely hamming it.

WWE Fans Are Finding A Promo Of John Cena Cringeworthy

Along with Dwayne Johnson, John Cena has been one of the prominent faces of the WWE for many years. Having won multiple championships while showcasing his ability on various occasions, the DC alum was considered almost a God-like figure among die-hard fans, before making a successful shift to Hollywood.

John Cena
John Cena made the successful transition from WWE to Hollywood (image credit Paolo Saccuzzo/Wikimedia Commons)

But evidence from an old WWE video shows that even Cena had moments in the ring that he would want to forget. The Suicide Squad actor has always been known for his rocking promos, which are monologues that are aimed to promote the wrestler’s personality and agenda to fans before entering the ring.

While Cena’s promos have been hugely popular, one old video that has now become viral online on X is making fans cringe at the star as he hams his way through the monologue. Many netizens took to social media to comment on the Blockers star’ melodramatic rendition, which belied his true ability to engage with audiences. In one dialogue, the actor who is seen looking agitated, says,

I haven’t been this flipped out since my mom cancelled my subscription to Warcraft.

A few questioned former WWE boss Vince McMahon’s thought process behind the scripting of this promo, while others believed that this was Cena’s worst promo performance of his career.




Based on this video, many fans could have feared that Cena’s acting career may not take off. But the champion proved everyone wrong by the manner in which he seamlessly entered Hollywood and carved a niche for himself as a bonafide action star.

John Cena Had To Unlearn His WWE Training For This Film

John Cena and Jackie Chan starred together in Hidden Strike, a story about two elite soldiers who must escort a group of civilians to safety through one of the world’s most dangerous roads amid explosions and fire. While the filming happened before the pandemic, it was released straight to streaming on Netflix only in July 2023.

Hidden Strike
A still from Hidden Strike (image credit: Netflix)

While Hidden Strike presented an opportunity for Cena to try his skills at a different form of combat like the martial arts, the actor was not physically or emotionally prepared for how tough his training was going to be. In an interview with GQ, the Peacemaker actor revealed that the shock of the strenuous physical routine not only took a toll on his body, but also on his mental state.


Cena also realized that his training for a particular kind of physique in the wrestling ring, was now being completely invalid, as he had to modify his body to bring in the flexibility that defined the essence of martial arts. This drastic change also affected him significantly.

“They just wanted me to kick over my head, which was impossible. I went over there to train with him for about three months and they stretched me like taffy. I immediately lost 20 pounds, which was very difficult for me. I even fell into a weird depression because it was like ‘I’m losing everything that I worked on for 30 years’.

Cena’s determination to give it his all, ultimately paid rich dividends. The actor realized the benefits of this training and confessed that putting his body through this type of rigor allowed him to walk taller, be more flexible, and taught him that movement can work in different ways.


Written by Sharanya Sankar

Articles Published: 1142

Sharanya Sankar, Writer for Fandomwire
Having completed her Masters degree in Journalism and Mass Communication, Sharanya has a solid foundation in writing which is also one of her passions. She has worked previously with Book My show for a couple of years where she gained experience reviewing films and writing feature articles. Sharanya’s articles on film and pop culture have also been published on Film Companion, a popular film-based website. Apart from movies and pop culture, her interests include music and sports. She has contributed over 650 articles to Fandomwire so far.