“Your a** is falling for it!”: Sorry to Break it to You Xbox Fans, but Microsoft Buying Valve Goes Directly Against What they’ve Been Telling Us for Months

"Valve would rather disintegrate than to ever sellout." - Gabe Newell

X-Box Valve and Microsoft


  • Rumors of Xbox acquiring Valve for $16 Billion recently took the internet by storm, causing much discourse.
  • However, with Xbox's current strategy, an acquisition by Microsoft seems highly improbable.
  • Given Valve's commitment to independence and remaining a consumer-centric company, people's faith in the company remains strong.
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Xbox’s streak of suffering doesn’t seem to end these days, as the organization has been the subject of both controversies and ridicule. It’s been a few years since the current generation of gaming began, and yet Xbox seems unable to find its footing within the current landscape.


After the Activision Blizzard acquisition blew a significant hole in Microsoft’s pockets, new rumors have begun circulating that Xbox’s next target may just be Valve. There are two things to say about that: Xbox will most likely stay quiet and obedient for the next few years after its recent blunders, and GabeN will never give Valve away to anyone.

Xbox Fans Believe That the Platform May Soon Acquire Valve

It's not even confirmed if the rumors are true, and many Xbox fans are already demanding Half-Life 3
It’s not even confirmed if the rumors are true, and many Xbox fans are already demanding Half-Life 3

Xbox’s recent strategy involves downsizing and cutting as many costs and studios as humanly possible, all while bringing its exclusive titles to PlayStation. So, given all the things that Microsoft’s gaming division is currently trying to survive, it doesn’t make sense for the company to put any more money into acquisitions, especially not Valve. The rumor began circulating due to X/twitter user @xDiorCS’s following post:


Now, we’ve already established that this is a false alarm with what Microsoft and Xbox are currently doing. However, it is interesting to note that previously, Xbox was indeed planning to acquire or, at the very least, bring Steam over on Xbox, as was leaked during the battle to acquire Activision Blizzard King.

That said, it’s also important to understand that Valve is a private company, meaning that it never shares its yearly earnings. So Microsoft making an offer of $16 Billion to a company that holds control over 90% of the PC gaming and handheld space is unrealistic at best and downright bizarre at worst.

There’s one thing that people seem to misunderstand from all this, it seems. Forget the money, Valve would never sell itself to any organization out there, no matter what, and especially not to Microsoft with GabeN’s history tied to the company.


Valve Has and Will Always Remain an Independent Company

Newell has spent his entire life ensuring Valve remains free of predatory companies. xbox
Newell has spent his entire life ensuring Valve remains free of gaming’s predatory companies.

Many fail to see how strongly Gabe opposes the idea of Valve being acquired by any company out there, wanting the company to simply do its own thing. Given his history as an ex-Microsoft employee, it is highly unlikely that the man would give Steam and Valve up to the monopolistic juggernaut.

However, there is a point to be made: GabeN does not hold complete control over Valve and Steam anymore. With an estimated share of just over 25%, he is now just a big voice in a room of decision-makers. Despite that, people believe that Valve will continue to remain independent and consumer-centric, as the concept is ingrained into the very culture of the organization.

People’s faith in Valve is so strong that they even suggest that the company should acquire the Xbox brand from Microsoft instead, saving it in the process. To be fair, though, a Steam-oriented home console would indeed be quite extraordinary.


Whatever the case may be, for now, GabeN and his company will remain free of the shackles that Microsoft wishes to hold the entire gaming industry with. That said, what are your thoughts on these rumors? Do you think Xbox could soon make another such acquisition? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Akshit Dangi

Articles Published: 49

Akshit is a (supposed) human being that lurks in different corners of the internet in search of fascinating rabbit holes. Outside of that, though, you'll most likely find him staring at a piece of art for days or completing another playthrough of Silent Hill.