“I don’t understand why Xbox is so far behind”: Xbox Fans are Wondering When Microsoft are Going to Update 1 Key Feature of the Failing Console that Even the PlayStation 4 Has Bettered

Fans want this option to receive some changes.

xbox, playstation 4


  • An Xbox user is very angry with the limited recording options that the console has in the current generation.
  • They pointed out that the Microsoft hardware cannot record more than a minute of gameplay, while the PlayStation has a variety of options to choose from for recording purposes.
  • This user even said that the PS4, being a last-generation console, has better recording options.
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After more than three years of launch, Xbox Series X/S users are demanding long-overdue changes to the consoles’ recording options. This was discussed by a Reddit user who doesn’t understand why the console has no other recording option than the last 1 minute of gameplay directly from the hardware. 


There’s no specific reason why this hasn’t changed over the years; the discussion continued, highlighting that even though the PS4 boasts superior recording options, the current console of the PlayStation also has many options about this.

Xbox Needs to Make Some Changes to Offer the Same Options as PlayStation Regarding Recording Options

Xbox fans are asking for some changes regarding recording options.
Xbox fans are asking for some changes regarding recording options.

One of the big consoles in the current video game market is the Series X/S, both of which are part of the Microsoft ecosystem and bring things like Game Pass to players. However, some fans express dissatisfaction with certain key decisions made regarding simple features that lack logic. In a Reddit discussion, some users were talking about how the console lacks a key feature.


User HHaych– doesn’t understand why the company has not made changes to this feature, making it more reasonable and up-to-date. Users cannot record more than a minute of gameplay on this console; there is no way to change that.

Game Recording
byu/HHaych– inXboxSeriesX

This user also compared the feature with Sony’s options that let you record an hour of gameplay, saying that it makes no sense, especially given the current generation of hardware.


Sony’s Last Generation of Consoles Has Better Recording Options

PlayStation has many more options in the PS4 compared to the Microsoft current generation consoles.
The PS4 has many more options compared to the current generation of Microsoft consoles.

The user continued the post by talking about how even a last-generation console like the PS4 has better recording options than the current-generation hardware. There is no excuse for the company to not add this feature in previous updates to the OS of the console. Since the launch of the Series X and S, the company has not even attempted to change this feature, leaving players furious.

There are a few things that fans of the platform praised regarding recording options; they said that the console has the possibility to directly put the recorded gameplay on an external drive; the Sony hardware can’t do this. Even other users stated that Sony allows you to stream directly to YouTube with very good quality of 1080p and 60 fps. This lack of recording options is especially difficult for users who don’t have a PC.

Fans of the console have been asking for this change for a very long time now, and it seems that Microsoft has not really acknowledged this impossibility yet. The company needs to hear complaints and suggestions from users. With the upcoming Summer Showcase next month, the brand needs to pay attention and make real changes to ensure more players join the community and sell more consoles.


What are your thoughts about this? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Lucas Lapetina

Articles Published: 638

I'm a big fan of movies and videogames in general. I really love Pokémon and Godzilla. One of my favorite games is The Last of Us, Part II. A compelling and well-written story is always welcome.