XDefiant’s Community Toxicity has Begun Anew as Fans Think Other Players ‘Are too stupid’ To Understand the Core Concept of the Game

K/D ratio over collaboration is the name of the game in XDefiant.



  • Players are frustrated with teammates ignoring objectives for kills.
  • The issue is particularly problematic in objective-based game modes like Escort.
  • Many feel this behavior gives the enemy team easy wins and ruins the experience.
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People are flooding XDefiant‘s servers after the new free-to-play shooter was released by Ubisoft. The game has received all kinds of reviews so far but has managed to build a sizeable player base.


However, it looks like the toxic culture of online gaming is starting to catch up; one post, in particular, has caught a lot of traction, and it seems people have a lot of not-so-nice things to say about the other players of the community.

XDefiant’s Player Base Are Already Tired of Each Other

According to XDefiant players, teamwork has gone out the roof.
According to XDefiant players, teamwork has gone out the roof.

It’s just been a few weeks since Ubisoft’s so-called Call of Duty-killer was released, and there’s already trouble in paradise.


The subreddit has been seeing an influx of posts calling out other players for their questionable skill and inability to stick to the objective of each match.

Posted a few days ago, this thread and the comments underneath pretty much sum up the frustration that a ton of players are feeling right now.

For context, the title has several game modes, each with different objectives. For example, you have ‘Escort’, where you play as an attacker or defender.


Depending on your side, you’ll either have to escort the payload to a delivery point while meeting checkpoints along the way and defending yourself from attackers, or you play the role of the attackers in this scenario.

To move the payload, you have to stand near it. This seems to be where the problem is with many people; instead of focusing on completing the objective and staying near the payload, players are roaming around to get the best K/D ratio.

Sure, that might be something you can flex to internet strangers, but is it worth losing the match?


Add to the stress caused by the players taking advantage of the odd jump mechanics to gain kills, and you can see why people are tired.

Ignoring Objectives Is Giving the Enemies a ‘Free Win,’ Says Player

It's no fun when your teammates don't want to work together.
It’s no fun when your teammates don’t want to work together.

The post got a ton of comments agreeing with OP’s edit. One person calls these types of players “too stupid” to understand that the point of the game is to complete the objective.

Another player sarcastically comments that they “love it” when most of the enemy team focuses on kills, forgetting the objective in the process and losing as a result. Like they said, it’s a free win.


Then there’s the other side of things, where you’re stuck on a team that is only concerned with getting kills, while you’re the only player trying to push the objective. It was not a fun experience.

Unfortunately, this type of issue is commonplace with any team vs. team game where objectives are involved.

You’ll always have people who would rather get as many kills as possible than try to complete the objectives.


What do you think? Are these players exaggerating the issue, or are their concerns valid? Let us know your opinion in the comments below!


Written by Vibha Hegde

Articles Published: 347

Vibha is an avid gamer that has been in the content writing space for over three years. With a Bachelors in Computer Applications, Vibha chooses to explore their passion for pop culture and gaming. When not hunkered over a controller trying to beat the Demon of Hatred in Sekiro, you can find Vibha relaxing to jazz during a digital painting session.