“Make your design fit Dune. Don’t make Dune fit your design”: Dune: Awakening’s Creative Director’s Mantra May Be Impressive, But the Game’s Story Falls at the First Hurdle

Funcom should really be sticking to their mantra.

Dune Awakening


  • While there is no confirmed date for the release for Dune: Awakening, developers may be veering onto a dangerous path.
  • A mantra of making the game fit Dune, rather than Dune fitting the game, appears to have been ignored.
  • The decision making on the direction of the game may either make or break the game and only time will tell which it will be.
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Dune: Awakening is easily one of the most highly anticipated games. Given the passionate following of fans that the book and corresponding movies have, it is no surprise that a modern-day adaptation of this franchise would be developed, especially after the release of the Denis Villeneuve-directed movies.


However, the one thing that fans would be looking for is that the game follows the source material which serves as inspiration. Granted there will be artistic liberties taken with adapting this into a game, however, to stray too far would only serve to alienate and antagonise the fans who know the story so well.

Some Bold Decisions for Dune: Awakening

Dune: Awakening may be veering too far from the source material.
Dune: Awakening may be veering too far from the source material.

In a recent interview, the developers confirmed that the game would be taking place in an alternate timeline which seems like a very strange decision. Creative director Joel Bylos’ current mantra for the game is ‘Make your design fit Dune. Don’t make Dune fit your design’. However, it appears they are choosing to ignore this and probably to their peril.


It has already been noted that Paul Atreides will not feature in the game and this bold decision will either make or break the game. Developers are adamant that it will make the game more interesting but there are those fans who feel that this may be veering into dangerous waters and make the game less relatable to the original story.

It’s a difficult balancing act when you have such a successful book which in turn becomes an even bigger success (of late) on the big screen. The expectation from fans is that an accompanying game would have to at the very least, match these expectations if not exceed them and not having one of the main characters featured may be disastrous.

Could Dune: Awakening Be Better than the Source Material?

A return to Arakkis.
A return to Arakkis.

Few people will probably remember the 1992 game of Dune, which was created by Cryo Interactive, and published by Virgin Interactive following the David Lynch movie of 1984. Looking back, many will no doubt find the gameplay format reminiscent of the Command & Conquer games of old and there are definite similarities between the two.


It was certainly not bad for an early 90’s game and the technology of that time. With the current technology available it is expected by fans that the upcoming Dune: Awakening will greatly surpass its predecessor.

This franchise is a Sci-Fi classic, whether it be David Lynch’s version from 1984 or the most recent entries from Denis Villeneuve and to transform this into a modern game is a mammoth task. Whilst we appreciate that there may be some artistic liberties taken with the game, its key to success may be in keeping as true to the storyline as possible.

What do you think about the latest news for the upcoming game? Do you agree that the game should be fitting the source material rather than the other way around? Get in touch, leave us a comment and let us know your thoughts.


Written by Andy MacGregor

Articles Published: 258

Born and raised in the West coast of Scotland. A massive fan of Comics and losing endless hours in epic Video Games.