Even No Way Home Hasn’t Accomplished a Ginormous Feat ‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ Has Been Consistently Hitting Daily: We aren’t Talking Box Office

Deadpool & Wolverine is navigating the MCU’s post-Endgame landscape with fan service, while carefully avoiding issues that affected previous Marvel films.

no way home, deadpool & wolverine


  • Deadpool & Wolverine stands out in the MCU post-Thanos era, avoiding major on-set issues that plagued Spider-Man: No Way Home.
  • The film is anticipated to feature a range of cameos and callbacks, maintaining fan excitement without unwanted disclosures.
  • Fans are eager yet cautious, hoping the movie delivers on its promise of a thrilling experience with Reynolds and Jackman.
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The aftermath of Thanos’ snap left a lasting impact on the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with massive canonical as well as real-life impacts. On one hand, the characters of the universe have come to terms after the events of Avengers: Endgame, and almost every subsequent project from the studios so far has either referred to that event or has had changes made to its storyline.


In terms of box office, a mega slump and wave of criticisms have more or less diluted the mega-pull that the studio once commanded.

Moving ahead slowly, Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool and Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in Deadpool & Wolverine
Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool and Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in Deadpool & Wolverine | Marvel Entertainment

Standing out as a major exception from that trend of sub-par deliverance, 2021’s Spider-Man: No Way Home came as a juggernaut cinematic milestone. Not only did it exceed fans’ expectations but it also revived the pandemic hit screens and raked in a fortune for Sony and Marvel.


Now, as the latter faces the grim reality of keeping its head above the water, it looks up to Deadpool & Wolverine, which has already begun to stand apart from the Tom Holland outing.

Deadpool & Wolverine is avoiding one major Spider-Man: No Way Home blunder

At this point in time, it is no secret that the upcoming Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman flick is packing tons of surprises in the form of cameos and callbacks. Rather, Marvel Studios went a step ahead and previewed returning characters from previous X-Men iterations such as Azazel and Lady Deathstrike in a teaser trailer. However, Deadpool & Wolverine is yet to report a set leak involving any major appearances.

Screen-grab of Andrew Garfield in action as Spider-Man from the Spider-Man: No Way Home leak
Screen-grab of Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man from the Spider-Man: No Way Home leak | Marvel Moose on YouTube

In stark contrast, the last Marvel project to feature such a mega-crossover, Spider-Man: No Way Home, faced a casualty very early on. AΒ behind-the-scenes video of Andrew Garfield in costume and enacting a scene, very well present in the movie, leaked right around the time of the release of the movie’s first trailer.


The upcoming movie, although, did also face a slew of leaks quite early in its production. Director Shawn Levy’s decision to shoot outdoors gave fans the first-ever glimpse of Hugh Jackman in an iconic comic-accurate suit. Yet, that snap and every single one so far only pertained to those two very characters, keeping the film safe from any unwanted or accidental disclosures.

Fans fear the worst for upcoming Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman outing

An angry Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in a still from Deadpool & Wolverine trailer
Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in a still from Deadpool & Wolverine trailer | Marvel Entertainment

Deadpool & Wolverine has a long line of rumored cameos. Starting from Taylor Swift as Dazzler to Henry Cavill as a Wolverine variant, the possibilities for fans to theorize and Marvel Studios to stuff in A-listers lie endless thanks to the multiverse. Moreover, with Deadpool promising to be the β€œMarvel Jesus” fans always wanted, there also lies a reason to fear a disappointing possibility.

Quite like the upcoming mutant fest, 2022’s Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness involved reports of exceptional cameos. Tom Cruise as superior Iron Man, several original Avengers or their variants, studio-hopping crossovers, and several props and references once lay rumored to feature in the movie. While the film did have its set of cameos, they were far too less and nearly wasted, making the film go down as a major disappointment, which many worry could be the case again.




In a set of positive developments, however, fans have learned to be content with the very fact of witnessing the beloved duo of Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman on-screen together after waiting for more than a decade. Furthermore, with variants, an iconic villain, and references to the wider MCU laced throughout the film, it should be one wild ride.


Deadpool & Wolverine is slated for a July 26, 2024 release, whereas Spider-Man: No Way Home is available to stream on fuboTV and FXNow.


Written by Imteshal Karim

Articles Published: 120

Bearing a penchant for writing in multiple forms, I love telling a good story and hope to tell impactful ones about the fandom's side of the Entertainment industry. I found the movie of my life in Christopher Nolan's 2014' s Interstellar, which fascinated me with the perfect blend of science and cinema, leaving me curious about Hollywood. In my leisure time, you will find me indulging in photography, gardening, and cycling.