“Fumbling hard on camera”: Lana Del Rey’s Kind Response After Fan Makes a Massive Mistake While Asking Her Out on the Street

The time Lana Del Rey was asked out by a reporter.

lana del rey
Credit: Youtube/ Lana Del Rey


  • Lana Del Rey's interactions with her fans are almost as iconic as her discography.
  • She is known for being excellent company to those who adore her and one interaction proves this best.
  • The singer was once asked out by a reporter and the result was quite surprising.
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Lana Del Rey is one of the most influential and talented musicians to have ever been a part of the music industry. Ever since her song Video Games dropped in 2012, it was as though she hypnotized an entire section of the population, bringing about a sense of understanding that had rarely been seen before. Since then, she has only grown in fame and relevance, becoming one of the most beloved and critically underrated artists of all time.

Lana Del Rey in the West Coast Music Video I Vevo
Lana Del Rey in the West Coast Music Video I Vevo

On top of the uniqueness she brings with her music, the singer is also known for being very close to her fans. They famously share a tight-knit bond, and she has a reputation for being extremely approachable and kindhearted. There is no better example of this than an interaction she had with a reporter.

A Reporter Asked Lana Del Rey Out

After the release of her hit album, Born to Die, Lana Del Rey was frequently seen in public by fans and reporters. Since the interactions were often recorded, the fandom, as a whole, got several keepsakes of iconic moments of the singer interacting with fans and pretenders alike. There was one interaction, however, that was quite unique and bold.

Lana Del Rey in the F*ck it I love you Music Video I Vevo
Lana Del Rey in the F*ck it, I love you Music Video I Vevo

During an interaction with TMZ, via DelReyLoud on Instagram, a reporter for the publication ended up asking the singer out. Inquiring if she was interested in having a drink with her, even Del Rey was surprised at the boldness of the man.

She even went as far as questioning him on the same, asking how audacious he was for asking her a question like that on camera.

Lana Del Rey Said Yes?

Celebrities getting asked out on camera is a surprisingly common occurrence. Many feel bold in their presence and put forth the question, not expecting anything in return, and usually, they are turned down in some way or another. However, the interaction between Lana Del Rey and the reporter, who introduced himself as Adam, went very differently.

Lana Del Rey in the Love Music Video I Vevo
Lana Del Rey in the Love Music Video I Vevo

Instead of avoiding him or gently letting him down, the singer actually ends up taking him up on his offer. She started by telling him that he should turn off his camera, and then she would consider it. After he mentioned that he often pulled up the camera so that people would actually pay attention to him, she told him that she would have been more interested in speaking to him without the camera.

Lana Del Rey in the National Anthem Music Video I Vevo
Lana Del Rey in the National Anthem Music Video I Vevo

After the small conversation, Del Rey told the reporter to give her his email. However, she did have a condition for him; he had to turn off his camera. While the interaction ended there and not much else is known, fans could not help but talk about how many times the singer told him to turn off his camera and he didn’t.

“Fumbling hard on camera broooo wtf” said dannydee_jr on Instagram.

“I would have turned off the camera the first time she said, especially the way she seemed like she’s interested.” added rayrek.

“Jesus this is so cringey. How could you absolutely fumble this?” thenotoriousgonzo said.

“You should have destroyed all the cameras in the radius of 1km bro…” mentioned saujanyasengar.

“This dude just rizzed up Lana del ray omg” added angelogoan.

Others talked about how surprised he must have been when the singer actually showed interest. It is safe to say that the entire interaction is extremely surprising for many and very much on-brand for Lana Del Rey.


Written by Ananya Godboley

Articles Published: 1259

A poet and art enthusiast, Ananya Godboley is a striving academic who is pursuing a career in Criminal Psychology, currently doing an undergrad degree in Psychology. Passionate about History, Philosophy and Literature, she loves to learn about new and interesting subjects. A writer for FandomWire with over 1000 published articles, she adores all things superhero and Taylor Swift.