“Give them Old Republic trilogy with Dune level budget”: Star Wars Might be Eyeing Course Correction With Tony Gilroy as Fans’ Trust in Dave Filoni Erodes Away

After Andor, Star Wars as an IP needs more Tony Gilroy magic.

tony gilroy, old republic trilogy
Image by Magnus Manske, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic, via Wikimedia Commons.


  • Star Wars might be getting more content from Tony Gilroy after his success with Andor.
  • The Star Wars films and shows have been focused on the Skywalker Saga, despite promising to stray away from the story after Rise of Skywalker.
  • Star Wars as a whole needs to focus on developing new IPs based on it's core principles rather than reaching into the EU for hollow fan service.
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Tony Gilroy won hearts with Andor, widely considered to be one of the strongest pieces of Star Wars media to be delivered ever, not just in the Disney era of the franchise. Given the success of the show with fans and critics alike, there is a new faction in the Star Wars fandom that believes Gilroy should receive more of a share in the Star Wars universe to play around in creatively.

A still from Andor || Lucasfilm

Fans of Star Wars have been at odds with the direction of the IP for quite some time, championing creatives and producers that they hope can correct the course of the franchise. While a vocal side of the fandom believes Dave Filoni is that person, (and why shouldn’t he be, he was hand-picked by Geroge Lucas), the sentiment has been shifting, now that he has become a part of the top brass over at Disney.

Fans want Tony Gilroy to make more Star Wars content, detached from The Skywalker Saga

The Acolyte, the first Star Wars property divorced from the Skywalker saga in a while || Lucasfilm

The Skywalker Saga has been explored thoroughly in recent media, with Star Wars committing to move away from the events of the story to explore other parts of the universe. The idea seems to be taking shape by going backward, with The Acolyte being the first project to look back at a time that did not include or concern itself with the Skywalkers and the consequences of their actions.


Fans of the franchise believe that this time in the franchise’s narrative history can be used to create some really good films in the right hands, especially that of Tony Gilroy, who could bring his expertise with narrative media to a time when the Jedi and the Republic were at the forefront of public life in the Galaxy.

As Lucasfilm also eyes Gilroy and Beau Willimon for more work in the Star Wars universe, the creatives can work their magic in another era of the story, or even pick up the story of the Galaxy in the wake of the Rise of Skywalker.

While there has been a lot of emphasis on exploring the past of the Star Wars universe, focusing on the Original Trilogy or before the Prequels, it seems that there needs to be some fresh stories that can carry the franchise forward, rather than newer creatives with potential and proven experience being forced to cannibalize the franchise in the absence of new ideas.


Star Wars needs a new direction for it’s IP

Rey Palpatine in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker || Lucasfilm

Star Wars has been focusing on its in-universe history for quite some time. New stories are being tied into the IP with a focus on telling them in relation to the Skywalker saga, with The Acolyte being the first venture away from this model.

A lot of stories that are currently being told in the franchise still rely on their proximity to the Skywalker Saga, which the company committed to leaving behind to tell new stories.

However, it seems that Disney is focused on exploring the Star Wars canon while pulling from the EU for hollow fan service, rather than understanding the principles on which the stories were built to tell new stories that can stand on their own, without being looked at in relation to the Skywalker Saga and its related stories.


Written by Anuraag Chatterjee

Articles Published: 735

Anuraag Chatterjee, Web Content Writer
With a passion for writing fiction and non fiction content, Anuraag is a Media Science graduate with 2 year's experience with Marketing and Content, with 3 published poetry anthologies. Anuraag holds a Bacherlor's degree in Arts with a focus on Communication and Media Studies.