“Better be very rare then. Maybe 1 every 30-60 in game days”: GTA 6 Has to Include 1 Feature No Other Video Game Ever Has Properly, and It’ll Push Elden Ring Aside as the Game of the Decade with Ease

Something like Battlefield 2042 would be a treat to eyes.

GTA VI and Elden Ring


  • Dynamic weather in GTA 6 will add more immersion in what is said to be the largest GTA map ever.
  • Though GTA games have dynamic weather cycles but extreme weather is yet to be seen in the game.
  • Some fans have slipped suggestions which developers may consider to add more thrill.
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Dynamic weather could add a different flavor to a game, giving the players a sense of immersion. GTA 6, the upcoming Rockstar game, is coming after 12 years and a lot is to be expected from it. From the largest map the Grand Theft Auto series has ever seen to the first-ever female lead, it will introduce many ground-breaking features never seen before in Rockstar Games.


The sixth mainline entry in the series is set up in the fictional state of Leonida, which is based on Florida. It was said that the map may evolve similarly to Fortnite Battle Royale. Not many details have been laid out in front of the community but some fans are eager to see some features implemented in the game when it arrives.

The Destructive Forces of Nature Would be Thrilling in GTA 6

GTA 6 is said to feature the largest map in the series.
GTA 6 is said to feature the largest map in the series.

Riding peacefully, exploring a map, and testing one’s driving skills under the sun, suddenly the weather takes a turn. A massive storm appeared out of nowhere and began destroying the area. If the player walks into it, he’s consumed by a tornado, flying round and round, getting a look at the city from a high ground, and the next moment, the player spawns from a checkpoint.


That sounds fun, and players would love to see such large-scale destruction brought in by a Category 5 hurricane or a similar extreme weather event. In a discussion of social network Reddit, players were seen commenting about what they would like to see in the game.

A user dubbed fwaudio wants the destructive forces of nature to bring chaos to the map.

But one user named Reasonable-Mud-4575 presented their perspective, which goes well with the name.

byu/AnimeGokuSolos from discussion

It’s reasonable given that too many such events are sure to make players lose interest in them.

Some Features Have Been Inspired by Previous Rockstar Games

For the first time, there will be a female protagonist in the series.
For the first time, there will be a female protagonist in the series.

Some recent rumors surrounding the game pointed out that we may get to see some extreme weather mechanics in GTA 6. This includes thunderstorms, and developers were said to be “finalizing the weather dynamics.” It also mentioned that the original story would take around 40 hours for players, which, if it’s true, will be something many fans would appreciate.

Fans wish to see lots of features in the game; some are inspired by previous Rockstar video games. Given that it will be a massive game and lots of things go into it, who knows? Developers might already have considered many of them.


The game was said to arrive next year during the fall, but the company hasn’t laid anything official on the table. The internet is rife with leaks regarding it, given that it is among the most anticipated games among the community. If the weather mechanics, as the fans are expecting, make it into the game, it may well set Elden Ring aside to become the game of the decade.

What features would you like to see coming in GTA 6? We would like to know about them in the comments section below.


Written by Anurag Batham

Articles Published: 268

Anurag Batham is a video games correspondent at FandomWire. With over two years of experience in writing for different industries, his past works show his passion for the metaverse and his awareness of the environment. He's always playing with ideas to turn them into captivating stories.

A gaming enthusiast who can prove it when you have a round of Call of Duty (COD) with him. And it may take more than a coffee with him if you are to talk to him about Marvel. One can find a reader in him who's always keen to perfect what he already knows and to learn everything new.