“Yeah I’ve wanted it for a long time. We’ll have to see if/when”: Helldivers 2 Might Be Getting the Coolest Stratagem We Ever Have if Johan Pilestedt Keeps to His Teasing Words

A standing ovation for Pilestedt, please.

helldivers 2, stratagem


  • Johan Pilestedt, ex-CEO of Arrowhead, actively engages with the Helldivers 2 community.
  • Pilestedt showed support for a fan's creative Eagle stratagem idea on Twitter.
  • His dedication to improving the game is evident through his various actions.
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Time and time again, the Helldivers 2 community has proven their endless creativity through awesome strategem ideas that would be amazing to see in-game. While it’s not possible to incorporate every single one of these into the game, people continue to hope to see at least a few of them make the cut.


By ‘people,’ I mean Johan Pilestedt. That’s right, the ex-CEO of Arrowhead is one of the biggest advocates for community-driven ideas and one of his newer tweets only cements this image.

Ex-CEO of Arrowhead Loves This Helldivers 2 Stratagem Idea

The Helldivers 2 community is boundless with its creativity.
The Helldivers 2 community is boundless with its creativity.

When you post your ideas for games you play on public forums, you don’t really expect anyone from the game’s staff to see them, let alone reply. Unless you’re in the Helldivers fandom, that is.


Aside from the game’s community managers being very involved with the community, ex-CEO (and current CCO) of Arrowhead Game Studios, Johan Pilestedt, is probably one of the most active staff members of the studio.

Quickly scrolling through his X/Twitter replies, you’ll see he’s not afraid to strike up a conversation with anybody, even when it comes to criticism regarding his game. As such, he’s come across and replied to various ideas straight from his players.


That’s why when one Helldivers fan got his stratagem idea vetted by Pilestedt itself, it didn’t come as a shock to anyone.

The player had suggested a unique type of Eagle stratagem that could provide air support. You’d be greeted by a friendly gunship or squadron that uses gatling guns to wipe out the enemy. For upgrades, you could add in bombs or maybe ways to take our aerial threats, like those pesky flying bugs.


Another player suggested an Eagle stratagem that performs a little similarly, i.e., aerial combat focused. However, this would primarily be for taking out air units and would stay on the map for a bit. This would definitely be cool to see in-game.

Pilestedt Is on a Mission to Better the Game

Pilestedt really listens to his community, and it shows.
Pilestedt really listens to his community, and it shows.

Pilestedt replied to the tweet with an unexpected answer. He was a few steps ahead of us this whole time, stating that he’s actually been wanting to see the same concept in-game for quite a while.

His reply is enough to spark a little hope among players. Hopefully, he can keep his word.


It’s easy to take Pilestedt’s word to heart when he’s shown consistent intent to improve Helldivers 2.

His very reason for demoting himself from CEO to CCO was so that he could do better with balancing the game and take it to the next level. His tenacity is something to be admired.

Do you think Pilestedt can keep his word? Also, if you could suggest a stratagem idea to him, what would it be? Let us know in the comments below; we’d love to hear it!


Written by Vibha Hegde

Articles Published: 332

Vibha is an avid gamer that has been in the content writing space for over three years. With a Bachelors in Computer Applications, Vibha chooses to explore their passion for pop culture and gaming. When not hunkered over a controller trying to beat the Demon of Hatred in Sekiro, you can find Vibha relaxing to jazz during a digital painting session.