Michael Madsen’s Much-Maligned Crime Boss: Rockay City Fares Better on Steam and Hits the Ground Running after 12 Months of Fixes and Updates

Better late than never, right?

crime boss rockay city, steam


  • Crime Boss: Rockay City was a title that wasn't well-received when it first came out on Epic Games and all ninth-gen consoles.
  • However, after 12 months of consistent updates and improvements, the game released on Steam.
  • It now seems like fans are liking the game as the game was featured in Steam's new and trending list of games.
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Crime Boss: Rockay City was a title that didn’t fare well with fans and critics when it first launched. There were not many things that a game did well. From its sloppy voice acting and animations to one-dimensional heists, it felt underwhelming and lukewarm.


However, it seems like the folks at Ingame Studios haven’t given up on the game and have consistently pushed updates for it in the last 12 months. The game recently came out on Steam, and it feels like it is finally in a state that fans appreciate.

505 Games’ Global Director has some kind words for fans showing love to Crime Boss: Rockay City

You will be forgiven if you dislike the legendary Chuck Noris in Crime Boss.
You will be forgiven if you dislike the legendary Chuck Noris in Crime Boss.

The game’s initial reception was unfortunate to see it had a star-studded cast. This includes the likes of Michael Madsen, Chuck Norris, Danny Trejo, Danny Glover, Michael Rooker, Kim Basinger, Vanilla Ice, and Damion Poitier.


But now, after 12 long months of fixes and updates and the game being available on Steam, it seems like it is finally about to receive the praise that makers expected. The game was featured on Steam’s New and Trending PC Games list. In response, Antonela Pounder, Global Director of Digital Content at 505 Games, had this to say:

It is worth noting that the game has improved on several things that went wrong when it first launched. This includes the overall co-op experience, co-op playlists, and mission variety, among other significant changes.

Gamers Have Given Michael MadseMadsen’se Boss: Rockay City a Second Chance

Fans appreciate the rebirth of Crime Boss: Rockay City.
Fans appreciate the rebirth of Crime Boss: Rockay City.

Games being subjected to the harshest level of criticism at launch is not uncommon. However, games bounce back and win people over after a horde of updates, which one sees daily in the industry. For many titles like The Day Before, there are only a few, like Cyberpunk 2077 and No Man’s Sky.


Naturally, making it into the exclusive list of titles welcomed after a series of updates and a rerelease is less than prestigious. That is where Ingame Studios and 505 Games deserve appreciation. Individuals also started praising the game on various social media platforms apart from playing a part in making the game fare well on Steam:

Some people even went ahead to state that the current state of the game is how Payday 3, the game to which Crime Boss is often compared, should have been at its launch:

It is genuinely refreshing to see game teams managing to switch things up and turning them around despite the game being a year old and not giving up on a title. This helps a first-time developer like Ingame Studios and goes a long way to improve their reputation in the industry.


What do you think of the fantastic comeback made by the heisting game? We would love to know your thoughts in the comment section below!


Written by Sparsh Jaimini

Articles Published: 422

Sparsh Jaimini Sharma is a video games enthusiast and a Games Writer. A true white-blooded Madridsta. He is often seen grinding away at EAFC 24's Ultimate team and learning to code when he is not writing. A Batman fan and Arkham Games connoisseur. He is the quintessential DC aficionado.