“The beginning of a new future…”: Housemarque Boss Stokes the Returnal 2 Flames with Cryptic Message

The creative director of Housemarque hints at a bright future for the Returnal franchise.

Returnal 2


  • With Sony's continued support, Housemarque could develop more ambitious roguelike games like Returnal.
  • Gregory Louden is optimistic for the future, and the chances for Returnal 2 skyrocketed after his statements.
  • Returnal 2 is among the top of the wish lists of the gaming community and fans of the roguelike genre.
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Returnal 2 is a sequel that the gaming community has been wondering about ever since the release of the first game three years ago. The developers have improved much since the collaboration with PlayStation Studios and fans of the roguelike genre are ready for something new.


Sequels are all the rage, and the gaming community has high hopes for this roguelike genre and for Housemarque to develop into something greater. The head honcho of the studio has some promising words to say about the future of the franchise with the support of Sony.

The Chances for Returnal 2 Are Not at an All-Time High

Fans of the original roguelike game should be on the lookout for Returnal 2.
Fans of the original roguelike game should be on the lookout for Returnal 2.

Despite being a massive success, the original game was not for everybody, and the gaming community is split down the middle. Fans are divided and one half believes Sony should give the budget to another franchise and produce Days Gone 2 rather than Returnal 2. Regardless, the head of the studio, Gregory Louden, has some exciting news for the future.


Louden is optimistic that this partnership with Sony will continue to bloom and will pave the road for more ambitious roguelike games in the future. Game development takes time, and the first game was released a few years ago, which is a decent amount of time for the developers to work on something new and give the gaming community something to look forward to.

The PlayStation brand is giving the studio the boost and recognition it deserves and will build upon the success of the original game and create even more great games. There is a niche market for the roguelike genre and the developers should keep striking while the iron is still hot. There are not a lot of triple-A roguelike games like Returnal that are available in the market and the gaming community is interested in that rare experience.


The Developers Should Work on Returnal 2 as Fast as Possible

The gaming community is ready for a new roguelike game like Returnal.
The gaming community is ready for a new roguelike game like Returnal.

The developers should probably take full advantage of the existing partnership they have with Sony and PlayStation Studios and learn from how they operate and how to manage different teams. The studio has its project standing in the same league with other major first-party PlayStation games.

Sony acquired the studio most likely because it knew its potential and wanted to hone it and give the developers the support they required to continue their growth. The first game may not be perfect, but it did hit the ground hard, and the gaming community now knows what the developers are capable of.

Betting on greatness and talent is what PlayStation does best. Sony saw the potential and did not hesitate to acquire the studio.


With the continued support from their partners at Sony, Housemarque can confidently work on a new project, knowing they are covered. Perhaps a sequel to Returnal is in the works and the developers are getting ready to unveil it.

Would you like a Returnal 2? Let us know in the comments sections below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 592

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.