Only One Actor Can Convince Todd Howard for an Elder Scrolls TV Show Despite Him Confirming He’ll “Probably say no” to an Offer

We need Superman's power to convince Todd Howard for The Elder Scrolls TV adapation!

Elder Scrolls Todd Howard
Credits: Wikimedia Commons/Jeff G


  • The Elder Scrolls is one of the most popular Bethesda franchises.
  • Todd Howard has shot down any possibility of a TV adaptation of the Elder Scrolls series.
  • However, only Henry Cavill can convince Howard to change his mind and make this dream a reality.
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Amazon’s Fallout TV series is arguably one of the best video game adaptations we’ve ever seen. Due to show’s incredible success, many have been wondering if any other Bethesda games will make a similar leap into the world of streaming.


Of course, the top contender on everyone’s tongues is The Elder Scrolls franchise. Although Bethesda’s creative director, Todd Howard, has already shot down multiple pitches for its adaptation, there’s only one actor who can make it a reality, and that’s Henry Cavill.

Henry Cavill Can Make The Elder Scrolls TV Series a Reality

Henry Cavill can convince Todd Howard | Steam

IGN decided to stop Howard on the red carpet of Fallout’s LA premiere, and ask him a few interesting questions. Although the main topic of the interview was the post-apocalytpic show, the interview also asked whether Bethesda is considering adapting The Elder Scrolls series to small screens. Here’s what Howard had to say:


Everybody asks, like, about Elder Scrolls, and I keep saying no also. And I would approach those – I’ll probably say no. You never know if someone’s gunna click. But I think this really came out of, ‘we think things are aligning to do a high-quality job.’ It wasn’t forced. It was kind of a natural relationship and ‘hey, this sounds really cool.’ As opposed to, ‘we should have a show,’ right? It never came from that.

You’ll be surprised to know that Howard told IGN that he didn’t want to make a Fallout TV show, either. Everything took a turn for him when he met director and screenwriter Jonathan Nolan. If Cavill pitches an Elder Scrolls adaptation to Howard, there’s a big chance that Bethesda might finally give into the project.

We all know that Cavill is an avid gamer. We’ve already seen him performing in adaptations such as The Witcher, and he’ll also be coming back in the upcoming Warhammer 40K series. Heck, he has even played as Superman. He’s arguably one of the most versatile actors in Hollywood, and considering his immense passion for gaming in general, he’s one of the top choices for an Elder Scrolls adaptation.

Cavill’s reputation and influence can even make Howard change his mind on Elder Scrolls’ adaptation. Nolan has already proven his work with the Fallout series, so if he gets on board the project as well, the Elder Scroll adaptation is bound to break all records. The sky is the limit with an adaptation of a popular franchise like The Elder Scrolls. Now, it’s all on Cavill to make it a reality and give gamers what they deserve.


An Elder Scrolls TV Adaptation Is Being Rumored For Years Now

Rumors about Elder Scrolls TV adaptation | Steam

It’s not the first time we’ve seen rumors floating around about an adaptation of the franchise. Back in 2020, a report surfaced that Netflix was planning to adapt a video game series that would be as big as The Witcher.

There’s only one game that could compete with The Witcher’s adaptation, and that’s the Elder Scrolls. With Howard revealing that he’s turned down pitches and nothing else in the works, it’s unlikely we’ll see anything coming out of these rumors.

In recent years, we’ve seen a rise in the number of high-budget video game adaptations. Apart from Fallout, shows like Halo and The Last of Us adaptations are a clear sign of a changing industry, one that further blurs the boundaries between interactive and non-interactive media.


Written by Dhruv Bhatnagar

Articles Published: 116

Dhruv has been an avid gamer all his life, with an emphasis on multiplayer titles. After switching to PC, he has dabbled in the world of GTA Online ever since its release. He aims to spread his passion for gaming through his writing.