“Our sincerest apologies”: War Thunder Dev Issues Quick Apology After ‘Accidentally’ Using the Explosion From the 1986 Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion in Its World War 2 Game

They need to play it safe more often.

war thunder world war 2, 1986 space shuttle challenger explosion


  • War Thunder is a vehicular combat game developed by Hungarian developer Gaijin Entertainment.
  • The game is no strange to controversies with the classified document leak being the most well-known among gamers.
  • Now the game is again in the news with fans pointing the game out for using Space Challenger image in its poster.
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The world has seen a fair share of disheartening events that make people frown just by thinking about them. The vehicular combat game War Thunder recently jogged the memory of players towards one of such instances when it used an image associated with the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster.


And now the community manager has put forth an apology for that as fans went furious over the use of a controversial image. The image from in focus is one from a new event called Seek and Destroy uses the explosion of the NASA-operated spacecraft that took lives of seven crew members.

The Space Challenger Explosion Wasn’t Really Difficult to Identify

War Thunder is based entirely on vehicular combat.
War Thunder is based entirely on vehicular combat.

Games depicting war-like state of affairs often needs to tread of eggshells. However, it’s not always a possibility that some fans will notice something that a team usually don’t. War Thunder is one game that has garnered significant attention through controversies in the past. Now it’s happening again.


It all began on social media network Reddit where a user in the game’s community highlighted the infamous explosion being used in the artwork.

It wasn’t long that the conversation reached War Thunder forums where the community manager issued an apology for the incident.

The explosive element might not have been too difficult to identify as the user abacs21, who sparked the conversation, noted that he found it familiar.

byu/abacs21 from discussion

MuffinMan3670 notes that the image was on every news following the disaster and that many history books has it too.

byu/abacs21 from discussion

While War Thunder may be surrounded with controversies, it isn’t the only war game catching attention due to that. Call of Duty‘s infamous No Russian mission is something fans talk about even to this date.

Gaijin Entertainment’s War Thunder is no Stranger to Controversies

It currently holds a rating of 2.6 on the internet.
It currently holds a rating of 2.6 on the internet.

The game has seen a fair share of controversies during its lifespan. Last year, War Thunder got caught in a review bombing incident much like Helldivers 2. Once ‘Mostly Positive’ rating of the game was suddenly came down to ‘Mixed’ after 65,000 negative reviews. It did coerced to do some change of plans by the developers.


In 2020, it was reported that the US 1st Cavalry Division tankers used the game for training during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some photos were published showcasing cadets involved in training using a war simulator which was nothing but the Gaijin’s game.

But the leaked document is perhaps the most infamous controversy that War Thunder was caught in. Many users uploaded restricted or classified documents to debate about vehicle accuracy in the game.

What do you think of this latest discussion about the game? We would like to know your thoughts about it in the comments section below.


Written by Anurag Batham

Articles Published: 269

Anurag Batham is a video games correspondent at FandomWire. With over two years of experience in writing for different industries, his past works show his passion for the metaverse and his awareness of the environment. He's always playing with ideas to turn them into captivating stories.

A gaming enthusiast who can prove it when you have a round of Call of Duty (COD) with him. And it may take more than a coffee with him if you are to talk to him about Marvel. One can find a reader in him who's always keen to perfect what he already knows and to learn everything new.