“Something fascinating… that Halo fans may not be aware of”: Halo Infinite Captured One Actor Actually Crying Through Some Scenes Which Fans Thought Was Just CGI

Halo Infinite's Actors Put Immense Effort in Their Performances

Halo Infinite


  • Halo Infinite's development was a collaborative effort, not just by Microsoft Game Studios and 343 Industries, but also by supporting studios like CounterPunch.
  • Kyle Renteria, CounterPunch's animation supervisor, revealed that Jen Taylor, the voice actor for Cortana, The Weapon, and Dr. Halsey, put her heart and soul into her performances.
  • Renteria shared that Taylor would shed tears during some of the game's more emotional moments, a detail that many Halo fans may not be aware of.
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Halo Infinite’s cast gets all the credit for their skill and commitment which brought the great emotional depth that the game is known. They delivered moments so deeply affecting that even some of the actors became emotional.
Many supporting studios were part of the development of Halo Infinite. This includes CounterPunch, the animation studio we can credit for bringing the characters of the game to life.
While many players might have thought that the tears shed by characters in the game are all made by CGI, a recent interview with the animation team reveals a surprising truth.


How CounterPunch Approached Halo Infinite’s Characters

How CounterPunch Approached Halo Infinite’s Characters
The Challenges and Approaches to Making Halo Infinite. | 343 Industries

CounterPunch was a major part of bringing Halo Infinite’s characters alive. Known for their expertise in motion capture, CounterPunch collaborated closely with 343 Industries so that each character was accurately and effectively depicted. From Cortana to the charming Pilot, we have to thank them for making our favorite characters come to life.

During an interview with TechRadar Gaming, Kyle Renteria, CounterPunch’s animation supervisor, talked about how much effort the actors put into their roles. Talking about Jen Taylor in particular who voices Cortana, The Weapon, and Dr. Halsey, he said:


Something fascinating to us that Halo fans may not be aware of is just how much the actors put into their roles. Jen Taylor, for example, would shed tears during some of the more emotional moments.

Mason Gardner, CounterPunch’s lead animator, also talked about the studio’s approach to animating and capturing the game’s characters. They wanted the emotional depth of the actors’ performances to be adequately portrayed in-game. Gardner also noted the team’s commitment to applying these performances in the game.

We did our best to really try to capture their performances and translate them into the characters.

While the animators and live motion capture team did exceptional work, we cannot forget the actors whose performances are the backbone of it all. The passion they have for their craft and their commitment to these deep performances is what brings it all together. 

The Challenges and Approaches to Making Halo Infinite

The Challenges and Approaches to Making Halo Infinite
How CounterPunch Approached Halo Infinite’s Characters | 343 Industries

CounterPunch was approached by 343 Industries just before the lockdowns in 2020 to bring its motion capture expertise to Halo Infinite’s cinematics. The extra time from the global lockdown was used by the teams to put even more work into the characters so they would be more detailed and real.


Despite the pandemic and the challenges it brought, CounterPunch had ideas for new ways of working during a stressful time. These ideas included frequent communication with 343 Industries and better internal communication among team members. 

The Pilot is a very expressive character in the game and is known for it. When asked about the technology used to convey The Pilot’s convincing facial expressions, Gardner explained, 

Our company is highly skilled in FACS (Facial Acting Coding System) based facial animation and this core background competency allowed us to really understand the movement of the face.

The team’s use of technology, combined with the actors’ performances, resulted in a game that is not only visually stunning but also emotionally relatable for players. 

The Challenges and Approaches to Making Halo Infinite
The actors for Halo Infinite put in a lot of work. | 343 Industries.

The team at CounterPunch worked tirelessly to translate these heartfelt performances into the game, ensuring that the characters resonated with players on a deep and emotional level. This dedication to authenticity and emotional depth is what sets Halo Infinite apart, making it not just a visually stunning game but also a deeply moving narrative experience.


Written by Daniel Royte

Articles Published: 90

Daniel is a gamer through and through with a passion for gaming in his veins. His current adventures have taken him into the world of Elden Ring, Wuthering Waves, and Genshin Impact, amongst others.