“So…yes. It’s always been political”: One Heartbreaking Scene from The Boys Proves Haters ‘Review Bombing’ Season 4 Never Picked Up the Message from the Start

The Boys has always been the same.

the boys season 4


  • Many fans have become very upset with the fourth season of The Boys.
  • They believe that the show has become too woke and wasn't always this critical of the right.
  • One scene from the second season of the series proves this wrong.
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The Boys has never been subtle with its political messaging. Often on the nose with its satire, the series established its alliances very early into its run. Showcasing an image of real-life events, it painted very specific images of the far right and the far left. Although the series has a tendency to make fun of people from all corners of the political spectrum, their choice of villains showcases a clear support for the left-wing ideology of the show itself.

An angry Homelander firing laser off his eyes in a still from The Boys
Homelander firing laser off his eyes in a still from The Boys | Amazon Prime Video

While they were never secretive about this aspect of the series, it seems to have taken the far right a concerningly long amount of time to figure it out. With the airing of its fourth season, many have started to realize what the series has been trying to do for its first three, and their reaction has the other fans dying of laughter.

The Boys Was Not Subtle In The Least

One particular scene of The Boys perfectly shows where the series lies with its political allegiance. The seventh episode of season two opens with a man named Tommy Peterson, who spends his days listening to the propaganda spread by Vought. Day and night, he listens to Stormfront and Homelander talking about their message of a world full of villainous immigrants. Super-terrorists who could be hiding anywhere.

Valorie Curry as Firecracker interacting with Susan Heyward as Sister Sage in Season 4 of The Boys
Valorie Curry as Firecracker interacting with Susan Heyward as Sister Sage in Season 4 of The Boys | Amazon Prime Video

While the initial scenes show him not paying much attention to their impact, everything changes when the light of a car flashes in the eyes of his cashier at a convenience store he often visits. What was simply a trick of the light, turns into a firm belief for Tommy that the cashier, who happens to not be Caucasian, is a Super-terrorist. Even though he had no proof to back this claim, Tommy was terrified.

Since Stormfront told the masses that they needed to take matters into their own hands, he decided to put a gun in his own. Walking up to the store, shaking, sweating, and misguided, he takes his gun and shoots the cashier in the face to check if he is bulletproof. The cashier, who had a family to look after, died on the spot.

Fans Are Amazed at the Misunderstandings

Sean Collins-Smith made a post on X talking about the entire scene and how it perfectly explained what The Boys thinks of the right-wing ideology. Many have been claiming that the series has suddenly turned political and wasn’t always ‘so woke’. To this, the fan only had to show Tommy’s character for the criticism to be proven wrong.


S2 of THE BOYS devoted the entire opening of an ep to watching a white, neckbeard incel get brainwashed by rightwing, anti-immigrant media. He then shoots a convenience store clerk because he (incorrectly) thinks he’s a “Super Terrorist”. So…yes. It’s always been political.

A still featuring Starlight arriving in Season 4 of The Boys
A still featuring Starlight in Season 4 of The Boys | Amazon Prime Video

They pointed out how the character is shown in a negative light, making it clear who has always been the butt of their jokes. Others joined in, mentioning how the scene makes the audience feel pity and empathy for everyone involved, especially Tommy, who was simply doing what he thought was right after being brainwashed for so long.



Others still marvel at how many did not understand the point of the show until they were four seasons in, even though it is not subtle in the slightest. They pointed out how the series loves to have its message thrown in the audience’s faces, but still, many missed the point.

It is safe to say that even though the series’ ratings are taking a hit because of review-bombers, the fans who get it are having a great laugh.

The Boys is available to watch on Amazon Prime. 


Written by Ananya Godboley

Articles Published: 1251

A poet and art enthusiast, Ananya Godboley is a striving academic who is pursuing a career in Criminal Psychology, currently doing an undergrad degree in Psychology. Passionate about History, Philosophy and Literature, she loves to learn about new and interesting subjects. A writer for FandomWire with over 1000 published articles, she adores all things superhero and Taylor Swift.