“There’s a darkness… this character kind of embodies”: Mayor of Kingstown Season 3 May be Pitting Jeremy Renner Against an Actual Serial Killer

Jeremy Renner's Mike McLusky has a tough time ahead in Season 3

mayor of kingstown season 3


  • Mayor of Kingstown is back with Season 3.
  • After the death of Aidan Gillen's Milo, there is a new big bad in town.
  • Jeremy Renner's Mike could face an adversary unlike any other in the ongoing Season.
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Spoiler Ahead for Season 3, Episode 1 of Mayor of Kingstown

Mayor of Kingstown starring Jeremy Renner at the center of the story is back with its much awaited third season. Renner got back to filming earlier this year in January, and now as the 6th month rolls in, we have our third season of the hit show. While we see old faces returning to the show, there are also some new people in the mix, and one of them is the new villain strolling into town.

Jeremy Renner as Michael "Mike" McLusky in Mayor of Kingstown | Paramount+
Jeremy Renner as Michael “Mike” McLusky in Mayor of Kingstown | Paramount+

After two seasons of Aidan Gillen playing the conniving and manipulative Russian mobster, Milo, we have a new villain coming to town. As revealed on the first episode of Season 3, Milo is well and truly dead after the explosion we saw at the end of Season 2. And now, Renner’s Mike McLusky has to get ready to face a new foe.

Jeremy Renner’s Season 3 of Mayor of Kingstown Goes Darker

Aidan Gillen
Aidan Gillen in Mayor Of Kingstown | Paramount+

Jeremy Renner, who had an unfortunate start to 2023, made an astonishing recovery after his near-fatal snowplow accident. His character in the show, Mike McLusky, too had to face some challenges, especially when his mother, Miriam McLusky played by Dianne West, meets her end after a shootout in the Season 2 finale. And the premiere episode of Season 3 only confirmed it. With both Milo and Miriam gone, the character of Mike is open to every new hurdle the showrunners can throw at him.


We have a new mafia boss in town – Konstantin, who, as it turns out, is the one behind Milo’s death. And now, he will be after Mike. We have already seen how ruthless he can be, after he executed Tatiana without a second thought in the season 3 premiere. And this can only progress to more ruthlessness from the new mob boss as the season moves forward. And some hints from co-creator Hugh Dillon only adds to the thrill.

Could Yorick van Wageningen’s Konstantin Be a Serial Killer?

Jeremy Renner’s Mike McLusky has dealt with manipulators and thugs and petty criminals. But in the ongoing season, his character might face his biggest adversary yet – a ruthless, violent man, who shoots first and asks questions later. He is charming yet deadly, and that may be a nice change of pace for Mike as well as Mayor of Kingstown. Hugh Dillon, who is the co-creator of Mayor of Kingstown alongside Taylor Sheridan, in a conversation with Screen Rant, made some revelations that could be a hint for Season 3.

It’s going to unfold, as you know, and I don’t want to give s–t away. I don’t know if I can, I don’t know what the protocol is, but it’s a fascinating adventure. We’re wrapped up in the intricacies of human emotion and I am fascinated. I grew up in a prison town and, you’d see a serial killer be arrested when I was a kid, where I grew up in Vancouver, and you’re kind of aware of it and the horror of this psychopath. And then, in the next minute, you realize they’re shipped to your town and now they live a mile from your house.

Mayor of Kingstown Season 3 introduces Yorick van Wageningen.
Yorick van Wageningen as Konstantin in episode 1, season 3 of Mayor of Kingstown streaming on Paramount+ Photo Credit: Dennis P. Mong Jr./Paramount+

Further speaking about the character of Konstantin and what Season 3 could bring to the table, Dillon said:


I’ve always been fascinated with this element and Taylor [Sheridan] has and everybody involved in this show. There’s a darkness that is fascinating and this character kind of embodies all of those elements of kind of an old charming psychopath. I’m just hesitant to give anything away, because I’ve gotten s–t for that before. That’s just the politics of making it. But I mean, it’s a great season. It’s the velocity and the intricacies of these characters and what Renner does with them, it’s all fascinating.

This could point to the fact that Yorick van Wageningen, who plays Konstantin in the third season, could be a serial killer parading around Kingstown as a mob boss. This will bring new challenges for Mike, and fans are already excited at the prospect of seeing these two characters face off against each other.

The third season of Mayor of Kingstown premiered on June 2 on Paramount+, with new episodes set to drop weekly.

Swagata Das

Written by Swagata Das

Articles Published: 264

Swagata works as a Senior Features Editor at FandomWire. Having previously worked as a Content Writer, her passion for everything pop culture became her true calling as she now works with a global team of writers to brainstorm unique, groundbreaking ideas. Having done her Masters in English Literature, Swagata is a self-professed K-Pop addict with an affinity to work her charms on unsuspecting friends to induct them into the fandom cult.