“Throw a rock to distract a locust, try and do stealth segments”: Cliffy B’s Idea for Gears of War: E-Day Makes it Sound Like He’s Forgotten What Made His Franchise Great

Cliff Bleszinski wants Gears of War: E-Day to include a child's perspective, focusing on stealth.

gears of war e-day


  • Cliff Bleszinski's idea of adding stealth and other ideas in Gears of War: E-Day has puzzled many fans.
  • The Gears of War series is known for its intense combat, not stealth, which makes Bleszinski's ideas seem weird.
  • Fans hope Gears of War: E-Day stays true to its action-packed roots while introducing fresh, fitting innovations.
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Cliff Bleszinski, better known as Cliffy B, is a relatively big name in the gaming world, especially when it comes to the Gears of War series. He’s known for being the lead designer on the original trilogy. 


But his recent interview about what he’d like to see in Gears of War: E-Day, has left a lot of fans scratching their heads. This could either make or break the upcoming title.

Stealth in Gears of War: E-Day Is Probably Not a Good Idea

Gears of War: E-Day is set to release sometime next year.
Gears of War: E-Day is set to release sometime next year.

As part of the Xbox Expansion Pass podcast, Cliff Bleszinski talked about a few things he’d like to see in the next Gears game, as part of playing as a child to see a different perspective on the Locust Horde.


While this inherently isn’t a bad idea, stealth is the last thing Gears needs as it works towards reinventing itself and bringing the series back to its intense, horror-like roots. Bleszinski stated:

I want to see some of the war from the perspective of a child. It’d be really really cool to alternate to a child’s perspective, going through E-Day. All the child can do is like, do the whole throw a rock to distract a locust, try and do stealth segments, right. 

If you’ve played any Gears game before, you know this sounds a bit off. Gears of War is famous for its loud and brutal combat, with chainsaw bayonets and epic battles against the Locust. Sneaking around and being quiet just doesn’t fit with what the series is all about.


Although playing a different character for a small section isn’t a bad idea, taking the perspective away from the main characters doesn’t always work well, unless it’s executed extremely well Shoehorning stealth sections in games that never had stealth before, has never been well received by the fans, especially if the stealth mechanics are lackluster. 

Remembering What Made Gears of War Great

Marcus and Dom return as the main characters in the next installment.
Marcus and Dom return as the main characters in the next installment.

Gears of War is about feeling powerful and taking on waves of enemies with your squad. The cover system and intense firefights are what made it stand out from other shooters. The characters were great and had amazing chemistry with each other, and we saw them grow over the trilogy.


The idea of hiding and sneaking doesn’t really capture that same feeling. Plus, playing as a child and using rocks to distract enemies? It sounds more like a different game entirely, not Gears of War. Let’s not forget what made Gears of War a huge hit.

It’s the non-stop action, the heavy weapons, and the teamwork with your squad. Fans loved the gritty, intense battles and the feeling of being in a war zone. Adding stealth sections could take away from that core experience. When Bleszinski, was at the helm of the original trilogy, he made sure the games were all about adrenaline-pumping action.

Gears of War gave players a sense of being in a brutal, high-stakes fight for survival. Hopefully, E-Day goes back to its roots, while also doing something new and innovative. Nonetheless, it’s great to see Bleszinski still be very passionate about the series, and talk about it often. It’s clear that the series is very near and dear to the heart, and maybe he can return to the series in the future.


Are you looking forward to Gears of War: E-Day? Let us know in the comments.


Written by Suhaib Adeel

Articles Published: 101

Suhaib is a Gaming Content Writer at FandomWire. He's extremely passionate about video games and movies, and loves working in the pop culture space. Some of his favorite games include Fallout: New Vegas, Disco Elysium, Yakuza: Like a Dragon, Persona 5, Final Fantasy XII, Dishonored, and Bloodborne.