Todd Howard Confirmed Alduin Wasn’t Original Villain of Skyrim: It Was a Forgotten But Deadly Warrior Who Nearly Conquered a Whole Continent

Skyrim's original villain sounds suspiciously similar to Miraak, or is it the other way around?

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  • Uriel Septim V, a powerful warrior emperor in The Elder Scrolls, was almost the main villain in Skyrim.
  • Originally, he would have returned from Akavir with an army of dragons, wielding Dragonborn powers for conquest, not destruction.
  • This concept influenced Miraak, the Dragonborn antagonist in the Dragonborn DLC, highlighting the potential for corruption within Dragonborn.
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The Elder Scrolls series, renowned for its rich and expansive lore, features characters that run equally deep. Among them, the Septim Dynasty holds a position of immense power and influence, with Uriel Septim V, the seventeenth emperor, being a particularly intriguing figure.


While his reign is marked by both military triumphs and a fateful misstep, his story takes an even more surprising turn when considering his near inclusion as the main antagonist in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Uriel Septim V Led A Formidable, Conquest-Hungry Empire

A still from Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim
A still from Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim | Bethesda

Uriel Septim V’s claim to fame lies in his prowess as a warrior emperor. Upon ascending the throne in 3E 268 of the Third Era, he swiftly set about restoring the Empire’s military prestige. His campaigns were met with success, with conquests of Roscrea, Cathnoquey, Yneslea, and Esroniet broadening the Empire’s reach.


However, his ambition ultimately led him to a disastrous invasion of Akavir, a mysterious continent east of Tamriel. Despite amassing a formidable army, Uriel V fell in the Battle of Ionith (3E 290), marking a crushing defeat known as the ‘Disaster at Ionith’. This event not only forced the Imperial army to retreat, but also cemented Akavir’s reputation as an unconquerable land.

Interestingly, though, recent discoveries shed light on an alternative path for Uriel Septim V within The Elder Scrolls universe. According to a Todd Howard interview from PAX East 2019, the character was originally envisioned as the primary villain in Skyrim.


Uriel V’s Role As Skyrim‘s Potential Main Antagonist

Alduin the World-eater in Elder's Scrolls V: Skyrim | Bethesda
Alduin the World-Eater in Elder’s Scrolls V: Skyrim | Bethesda

This concept is quite a departure from the game’s actual main antagonist, Alduin the World-Eater. In this alternate storyline, Uriel Septim V would have returned from Akavir not as a fallen emperor, but as a conqueror wielding a fearsome army of dragons.

His own Dragonborn powers would have fueled his ambition, not for world destruction as with Alduin, but for the subjugation of Tamriel itself. The concept of a tyrannical Dragonborn emperor leading an army of dragons is undeniably compelling, and even Bethesda reportedly thought so.


While ultimately scrapped in favor of Alduin, this alternate vision for Uriel Septim V undeniably left its mark on the game. Miraak, the antagonist introduced in the Dragonborn DLC, bears a striking resemblance to the original villainous Uriel Septim V, with both characters wielding the power of the Dragonborn for personal gain.

Uriel V was motivated by conquest, Alduin is motivated by destruction | Bethesda
Uriel V was motivated by conquest, Alduin is motivated by destruction | Bethesda

As transformative an experience Skyrim already is, Uriel Septim V’s potential villain role in the game does sound tantalizing as well, drawing on his legacy of conquests. It also serves as a reminder of the series’ extensive lore, where even seemingly minor characters can set off domino effects that can last well into the future.


Written by Viraaj Bhatnagar

Articles Published: 247

A lifelong gamer, lover of cars, and Master's student of Automotive Journalism, Viraaj Bhatnagar is a gaming writer at FandomWire who aims to be one of the greats. When he's not hunched over on his laptop typing out copy, he can be found lapping circuits in Gran Turismo or slaying draugr in God of War.