“We’re very much used to it”: Todd Howard’s Elder Scrolls 6 May be Threatening the Very Existence of Another Bethesda Title But the Game Director isn’t Worried

The Elder Scrolls Online stands strong! Director Matt Firor shares insights on navigating the excitement surrounding The Elder Scrolls VI.

todd howard, elder scrolls 6, bethesda
Credits: Wikimedia Commons/Matt Grandstaff


  • Despite concerns, ESO Director Matt Firor remains optimistic about the game's future alongside The Elder Scrolls VI's release.
  • The Elder Scrolls Online offers a distinct multiplayer world where players craft their own stories in Tamriel.
  • Firor anticipates that The Elder Scrolls 6's release could invigorate interest in the entire franchise.
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In the competitive world of video games, no title can reign supreme for very long. As new titles get released, old titles lose their edge over the competition and have to relinquish their spot to the new ones. Sometimes, even newer titles from the same franchise can replace the existing ones.

Todd Howard's Bethesda finds themselves in the same situation where The Elder Scrolls 6 will impact their other title called The Elder Scrolls Online. 
The Elder Scrolls VI’s release has the potential to threaten the existence of The Elder Scrolls Online | ZeniMax Online Studios

This competitive nature keeps the industry fresh and gives motivation for innovation. However, Todd Howard’s Bethesda finds itself in the same situation where The Elder Scrolls 6 will impact their other title, The Elder Scrolls Online.

The Community’s Concerns and Director’s Perspective 

The Elder Scrolls Online is an MMORPG that is very popular in the gaming community and has kept the player’s desire for more Elder Scrolls content in check (over 9 years). Launched in 2014, the game has built its own community and offers players a chance to once again roam the world of Tamriel. However, with the imminent release of The Elder Scrolls 6, the community has been voicing their concerns about the future of the game. 

ESO's Director Matt Firor shared his thoughts on the matter and discussed the future of the game. Despite all the community's concern, Firor was confident in his game.
The Elder Scrolls Online’s Director is not concerned by the future release of other titles in the same franchise. | ZeniMax Online Studios

In an interview, ESO’s Director Matt Firor shared his thoughts on the matter and discussed the future of the game. Despite all the community’s concern, Firor was confident in his game and said:

It’s no more pressure than it was to launch ESO twenty months after Skyrim. I think if we can deal with that pressure, we can deal with this. Skyrim is one of the greatest games of all time, and we made the next Elder Scrolls game afterward, so there was a ton of pressure and we’re very much used to it.

Firor expressed that the game’s reception by the community with every update has been very positive, and they are hoping to maintain the quality of the content. While The Elder Scrolls VI will be a single-player narrative-driven game, ESO is a multiplayer game where players can create their own stories in Tamriel. That’s the reason Firor was not worried about the game and only wanted to focus on its future. 

Instead, it is possible that The Elder Scrolls VI release will ignite the community’s thirst for more Elder Scrolls lore. This could help ESO, as more players will discover the online world of the franchise and can even try it out.


Potential Synergies between The Elder Scrolls 6 and The Elder Scrolls Online

Bethesda is looking to create an epic adventure with The Elder Scrolls 6, but the release of the game is still unknown
Bethesda can reignite the community’s passion for the Elder Scrolls Franchise with the release of The Elder Scrolls 6 | ZeniMax Online Studios

Bethesda is looking to create an epic adventure with The Elder Scrolls VI, but the release of the game is still unknown. One thing is clear, the future success of this game has the potential to boost the community’s interest in the entire Elder Scrolls Franchise, instead of overshadowing the previous titles. 

As the gaming industry evolves with time, developers evolve alongside it to take advantage of innovations in technology. Firor is confident that they can keep up and shows faith in Bethesda’s commitment toward its online community even after the release of the sixth title.

In the end, the release of The Elder Scrolls 6 may look like it can overshadow the Elder Scrolls Online, but Firor is confident in his game. With future updates and a passionate community, ESO is looking to continue offering players new adventures in Tamriel for years to come.


Written by Shubham Chaurasia

Articles Published: 141

Shubham is a tryhard gamer who loves to play and write about games/news. At first, writing was just a hobby but now its his profession. If he is not online lurking in Valorant or trying his luck in gacha games, you can find him binging on some anime series.