“Why aren’t you telling the authorities”: Piers Morgan Blasts Industry Insiders Withholding the Identity of Baby Reindeer Creator Richard Gadd’s Alleged Abuser

Piers Morgan demands transparency as industry maintain silence on Richard Gadd's alleged abuser.

piers morgan, baby reindeer creator richard gadd
credit: wikimedia commons/FMSky


  • The Netflix debut of Richard Gadd's "Baby Reindeer" has sparked intense interest, with viewers eager to uncover the real-life events behind the show's narrative.
  • As speculation swirls around the identity of the alleged sexual abuser portrayed in the series, the situation has escalated to the point of potential legal action, creating a whirlwind of controversy.
  • English broadcaster Piers Morgan has called out industry insiders for their silence regarding the identity of the alleged abuser, questioning why they haven't disclosed vital information to authorities.
  • Morgan emphasizes the importance of accountability, urging those with knowledge of the abuser's identity to come forward, stressing the seriousness of rape allegations and the need for transparency in the industry.
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Richard Gadd’s Baby Reindeer quickly captivated audiences around the globe upon its debut on Netflix. However, what intrigued viewers most was the real-life events that served as the show’s inspiration. As fans attempt to uncover the identity of the sexual abuser who inspired a character, the situation has escalated to the point where legal action is being considered, creating a whirlwind of controversy that shows no signs of calming down.

Richard Gadd
Richard Gadd in Baby Reindeer
This situation arose when some people claimed that the television industry knew the identity of Gadd’s sexual abuser, who is portrayed by actor Tom Goodman-Hill in the comedian’s popular miniseries. However, seeing how people have kept their quiet despite knowing the identity of the alleged abuser English broadcaster Piers Morgan criticized industry insiders for not disclosing the name.

Piers Morgan calls out industry insiders who know the real abuser of Richard Gadd in Baby Reindeer

As reported by Deadline, BBC’s Media Show recently interviewed Piers Morgan about the Baby Reindeer controversy. When asked about the person who sexually assaulted Richard Gadd, Morgan said he was unaware of the abuser’s identity and slammed people who have been withholding the information that could help solve this situation.

Piers Morgan
Piers Morgan

[There] are some very high-profile people in the business saying they know who it is. Well, why aren’t you telling the authorities, why aren’t you telling their employers. If there is a rapist in our business and they know who it is but aren’t giving any information then that surely should ask some pretty serious questions of them.


The writer called for transparency, saying insiders should give out the name if there is an abuser in the industry. He defended himself against claims that he had exploited Harvey on his YouTube show, Piers Morgan Uncensored. He said that it was time to stop offering their opinions about his interview and instead reflect on their conduct in light of the serious rape allegation.

Storyline of the Netflix show Baby Reindeer

The British dark comedy drama-thriller miniseries Baby Reindeer is based on Richard Gadd’s autobiographical one-man show. It is directed by Weronika Tofilska and Josephine Bornebusch and stars Jessica Gunning, Nava Mau, and Tom Goodman-Hill. The series consists of seven episodes and follows the story of bartender and comedian Donny Dunn.

Richard Gadd
Richard Gadd in Baby Reindeer

The show depicts Dunn offering a cup of tea to a customer named Martha after seeing her distressed. Martha becomes obsessed with him and starts visiting the bar every day while bullying him online. She also attends his shows and goes after his girlfriend, Teri. The story flashes back to when Dunn gets involved with TV writer Darrien O’Connor, who offers him career advice, promises opportunities, and well, drugs.


Throughout their time together, Darrien sexually assaulted Donny during drug-induced blackouts. Back in the present, Donny reports Martha to the police, and she is sentenced to spend nine months in prison. Darrien and Donny meet again, and Darrien suggests renewing their partnership, to which Donny reluctantly agrees.

Shikha Arya

Written by Shikha Arya

Articles Published: 18

Shikha Arya is a skilled content writer and entertainment journalist armed with a Master's degree in English Literature. With over two years of experience, she specializes in thought-provoking pieces about pop culture icons, particularly drawn to cult classics such as "Stranger Things" and period dramas like "Downtown Abbey." Ever abreast of industry trends, Shikha's writing captures the pulse of what's hot in entertainment. When not crafting compelling narratives, she finds solace in the tranquility of books and streaming shows, using these outlets to unwind after a day of creativity.