KOTOR Remake Drama Deepens as Sony Comment with Feeble Excuse

KOTOR Remake Drama Deepens as Sony Comment with Feeble Excuse
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The ongoing saga with the Knights Of The Old Republic, (KOTOR), remake has taken another twist. And now, Star Wars fans who felt a disturbance in the force when Sony started deleting videos and tweets related to the game, may feel slightly more at ease.


That said, the response from Sony on why they have started removing material relating to the game is flimsy at best and certainly poses more questions than it answers.

What’s the Latest on the KOTOR Remake?

Sony has released a poor excuse as to why details of the remake have been removed from official channels.

It has been well-documented that the reveal trailer for the game which was confirmed back in 2021, had been removed. Understandably, fans were desperate to find out why and what this meant for the Star Wars remake.


Related: Maybe the Star Wars KOTOR Remake Isn’t Being Killed Off After All

One Journalist, Stephen Totilo, (@stephentotilo) reached out to Disney in the first instance and was re-directed to Sony with his enquiry. The response from a spokesperson was slightly baffling;

“As part of normal business, we delist assets with licensed music when the licenses expire.”

Now the question is, why would an upcoming game have music expire? The only music that was part of the reveal trailer was the official Star Wars Theme Music and it wouldn’t make sense not to have that in a Star Wars game, surely?

What does the latest development mean for the future of KOTOR?
What does the latest development mean for the future of KOTOR?

Following Totilo’s questioning of Sony and the lackluster response from the company, fans were quick to wade in with their suggestions of what’s going on behind the scenes;

“This game is dead. Embracer is basically saying no “we can’t make this game.” – @harropj

“It sounds like corporate lingo for damage control tbh it’s a bit strange, doesn’t help that Saber studio, responsible for the game is under Embracer that has been selling assets and laying off to shed costs.” – @JanSmith7

“That’s kinda… sussy. Me thinks this is gettin’ canned.” – @EnbyBlueFalcon

Read Also: Saber Interactive Potentially Working on a AAA Star Wars Game

Some fans did support the Sony statement, advising that the licensing for music attached to a trailer may only be for a certain amount of time.


So could it be possible that the Star Wars Theme Music was only licensed for a period of say, 2 years, and the delays to development meant it had to be pulled?

There appears to be a whole Star Wars galaxy worth of uncertainty regarding the development of the KOTOR game. Embracer, the parent company of developers Aspyr, is said to be closing and restructuring studios.

Aspyr’s future is looking uncertain, so what does that mean for KOTOR?

On top of this, Embracer has brought Saber Interactive on board to assist with development. However, some rumours are now stating that Saber has taken over the development project completely.


At the time of writing, we have had no confirmation that there has been any change to the position of the Star Wars remake and as far as we are all aware, developers are still moving forward with plans.

But what are your thoughts on Star Wars and the KOTOR remake? Are you surprised by how flimsy the Sony statement is? And what do you think this means for the future of the remake? Get in touch, drop us a comment, and let us know your thoughts.

Source: Twitter/X


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Written by Andy MacGregor

Articles Published: 270

Born and raised in the West coast of Scotland. A massive fan of Comics and losing endless hours in epic Video Games.