“I say this to him you know to his face”: Jackie Chan Was Ripped to Shreds by James Bond Star Who Put the Fear of God in Martial Arts Legend

Jackie Chan is afraid of no woman except for one

“I say this to him you know to his face”: Jackie Chan Was Ripped to Shreds by James Bond Star Who Put the Fear of God in Martial Arts Legend


  • Jackie Chan is a martial arts legend but when it comes to his opinion about women, one actor has proven him wrong time and again.
  • Chan believes women should only cook, but he cannot say so for Michelle Yeoh.
  • Yeoh can easily beat him and is just as talented, preventing him to say any such comments about her.
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It is difficult to frighten a legendary martial artist like Jackie Chan. Difficult, but not impossible. Being in a career like his own, it is not far-fetched to believe that Chan has been put on a pedestal because of his skills as a stuntman and a fighter. However, that alone is not what defines him. Alongside his acting skills, it is also his humor that can often catch an audience by surprise.

Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan

His humor shines the most when he is alongside his friend and longtime co-star, Michelle Yeoh. Both of them are very open about their friendship, unafraid to insult one another and with it, also standing up for each other. Ironically enough, it was this candid nature that made Chan realize he was not as strong as the martial artist in front of her.

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Michelle Yeoh is not Afraid to Insult Jackie Chan

Upon hearing Michelle Yeoh’s comments about Jackie Chan, many would come to wonder whether or not they dislike each other. However, it is quite the contrary, seeing that their insults for each other come out as a means of adoration towards one another thanks to their friendship. In an interview with David Letterman, Yeoh elaborated on just how she has impacted the actor and his perception of other people.

Michelle Yeoh
Michelle Yeoh

“No, actually he’s a male chauvinistic pig. Jackie and I are very good friends.”

She openly called him a male chauvinistic pig, a comment that seemed to surprise and shock all those sitting in the audience. Seeing that the interview was taken in 1997, the element of their friendship for not one that surfaced as it does now. To reiterate, she did add the fact that the comment was not one she made behind his back.

Also Read: “I feel like I’ve been in rehearsal for the last 40 years”: Michelle Yeoh’s Oscar-Winning Role Gave Her a Grueling Outlook on Her Career


Michelle Yeoh Put the Fear of God in Jackie Chan

In the interview with David Letterman, Michelle Yeah admitted that she had said things to him like in front of Jackie Chan’s face as well. She was not afraid to admit certain facts about him that she disliked, including as to what his perception of women had been.

Michelle Yeoh
Michelle Yeoh with Jackie Chan

“I say this to him you know to his face you know he always believes that women should stay at home and cook and don’t do anything and be the victim. Except for Michelle now he said because I would kick his butt.”

Although she did clear out the fact that he may have such a thought for everyone except for Yeoh. That was because if there is anyone who can ‘kick his butt,’ it is Michelle Yeoh.

Also Read: “In Shanghai he’s like a God”: Jack Black’s Jaw Dropped After Realizing Jackie Chan’s True Power After Their First Meeting in China

Adya Godboley

Written by Adya Godboley

Articles Published: 1691

An avid writer fluent in everything Marvel, Adya Godboley is an Assistant Anime Content Lead for FandomWire. She has rich experience in critically analyzing all that is said in between the lines. Hopelessly obsessed with Greek Mythology, she is currently pursuing her Bachelor of Arts in English. Adya has written over 1400 articles on various topics expressing her passion and love for all things entertainment, from superheroes to anime and the occasional gacha games.