MCU Avoids One Marvel Show Like the Plague, Forced $402M Movie to Stay Out of Hawaii To Not Remind Fans of Their Greatest Failure

Marvel Studios distanced the TV series from the MCU and blocked any connection between the two.

MCU Avoids One Marvel Show Like the Plague, Forced $402M Movie to Stay Out of Hawaii To Not Remind Fans of Their Greatest Failure


  • Marvel Studios initially considered creating a project based on Inhumans as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).
  • However, it was eventually released as a TV series on ABC.
  • The show received criticism for weak characters, subpar visual effects, and other aspects.
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Marvel Studios has seen remarkable success with its superhero universe that has spanned over a decade and a half. However, in the mix of multiple TV shows and movies, there have also been some projects that were initially considered for the MCU but were eventually kept separate, notably, a project based on Inhumans. Originally announced as a movie under phase three of the MCU, it was eventually released as a TV series on ABC.

Chadwick Boseman and Sebastian Stan along with the Avengers
Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War

The show was harshly criticized for weak and boring characters and subpar visual effects, along with other aspects. The recently published book MCU: The Reign of Marvel Studios has revealed that the studio distanced the TV series from any association with the MCU.

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Marvel Studios Distanced the MCU From Inhumans

Released in 2017, the ABC TV series Inhumans has been criticized for many reasons. While the Inhumans were expected to join the MCU with a movie initially, the project was canceled as the Marvel Studios president, Kevin Feige, was not satisfied with its script.


Following its harsh criticism, the show was canceled just after one season, leading the studio to block any connection between the MCU and the TV series. MCU: The Reign of Marvel Studios has revealed the same, stating that the studio was determined to “minimize any connection with Marvel Television,” especially with Inhumans.

The book explains that while filming the 2021 film Eternals, the makers were “instructed that none of it could take place in Hawaii,” as Inhumans was also filmed on the Hawaiian island of Oahu. “The studio didn’t want any risk that audiences might be reminded of the Inhumans,” the book states.

A still from MUC's Eternals
MUC’s Eternals

Anson Mount, who played the role of Black Bolt in the TV series, appeared in the Doctor Strange sequel as a variant of Black Bolt. However, his character met a swift demise at the hands of Scarlet Witch and also did not have any direct connection to the TV series.

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The Factors Behind Marvel’s Inhumans Becoming a Major Failure

MCU: The Reign of Marvel Studios states that the X-Men writer Chris Claremont once said that the studio was not in favor of promoting a “title that will benefit a rival corporation’s films,” referring to the characters whose rights were still under 20th Century Fox.

Marvel's Inhumans
Marvel’s Inhumans

So, they decided to focus on Inhumans instead. After a canceled movie, the studio decided to introduce them on the small screen. And the show was released in 2017 following their appearance on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. However, things did not go as planned.

Inhumans received criticism for its characters, a story that didn’t add to the MCU and its visual effects. The show reportedly did not have the budget it needed for such a concept, as the book also states that it had “budgetary constraints.”

A still from Inhumans
A still from Inhumans

Multiple factors contributed to its failure and eventually being canceled by the network after only a season of eight episodes. So far, the studio has not revealed any future plans for Inhumans characters in the MCU.


Inhumans is available on Disney+.

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Written by Laxmi Rajput

Articles Published: 2381

Laxmi Rajput is a writer at Fandomwire. She finished her Post Graduation in Broadcast Journalism and worked as a Business News writer for a year. But her interest in entertainment and pop culture compelled her to find a way towards Entertainment Journalism. She has worked across various fields and has 2 years of experience in content writing. She likes reading, music, movies, and traveling. She aspires to become a fiction writer in the future.