“It feels too leading”: Kevin Feige’s One Genius Idea Made Loki Season 2 Ending an Absolute Spectacle That Saved the MCU

Kevin Feige’s One Genius Idea Made Loki Season 2 Ending an Absolute Spectacle That Saved the MCU
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Season 2 of Loki is one of the most consequential moments in the MCU. The God of Mischief’s story arc has taken a turn that not many expected, propelling him into one of the highest seats in the multiverse. That is how he got his final shot at redemption – the chance to fulfill his glorious purpose. The series also marks a high point for Marvel, which has been punching well below its weight for quite some time. The series has achieved the feat of piquing fans, a rare feat for any other Marvel project in the past 5 years. And it wouldn’t have been so without everything coming together – even the little last-minute changes.


Loki got his redemption

Tom Hiddleston
Loki got the ending he deserved

The season finale of Loki is being loved by fans across the board. Everyone has fallen in love with all its elements – the twists, the turns, and most importantly Loki’s character development. Who didn’t love to see the transition from the god of mischief to the god of stories? 

Tom Hiddleston’s character gave the ultimate sacrifice for the multiverse, taking up the position of the entity that will weave all the multiverses in a single thread, holding it all together for as long as time goes.


Quite the sacrifice that is. 

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Kevin Feige had a small suggestion 

kevin feige (via flikr)
Kevin Feige asked Loki composer Natalie Holt to do one thing

For a sacrifice of that magnitude, they had to sign off on the right note. That is where Loki season 2 composer, Natalie Holt, came in. The pressure was on him to deliver the goods. And he did just that. But little did the fans know that it wasn’t supposed to run that way originally. 


In an interview with Marvel Entertainment, Natalie Holt shared how Kevin Feige made an important change to the finale’s score when the Season was nearing the end of post-production. And the show was all the better because of it. 

Also Read: “That’s what it’s about”: Loki Season 2 Writer Has the Realest Solution to Save Marvel That Kevin Feige Has Seemingly Forgotten 

Kevin Feige’s alteration ensured that Loki would have more impact

A still from Loki
Composer Natalie Holt believes that Kevin Feige’s idea made the ending more impactful

At the end of the finale, a rock-inspired tune starts playing and continues to play when we see Loki protecting the timelines. Initially, Holt wanted it to be accompanied by lyrics. She had spent days “working in the studio with a songwriter”. She told Marvel Entertainment, 


“Kevin Feige just said, ‘I don’t like having lyrics here. It feels too leading.’ But what is left is this sort of underneath of a song.” (Marvel Entertainment)

In retrospect, that was the right call. She continued,

“It seemed to work better without lyric’s help, because when you add lyrics into a song it does make it very specific. So yeah, it has the feel of a sort of rockier version of the theme though.”

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Source: The Direct


Written by Smriti Sneh

Articles Published: 249

Smriti Sneh is a Content Writer at Fandom Wire specializing in celebrities and everything pop-culture. Being a literature research scholar, she is cashing in on her writing skills by working in the entertainment news sector - studying literary theories by day, and navigating celebrity net worth through the night. Although you can find her writing poems at any and all hours.