“We can’t commit to it until we find a way to implement it”: 1 Open World Staple May Not Be Included in Dune: Awakening for Fairness’ Sake

Funcom hasn't fully committed to a photo mode option for Dune: Awakening.



  • Funcom has confirmed that photo mode is an idea that is being tossed around for Dune: Awakening.
  • The video game will allow players to explore the desert world of Arrakis and build settlements.
  • The success of the Dune films will attract fans to this video game, and expectations are high.
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Dune is the latest franchise to enter the gaming industry, and Funcom has taken on the challenge of developing an MMORPG where players can explore the treacherous desert world of Arrakis. Players are already eager to dive into the planet and soak in the beautiful scenery.


Early previews have shown a detailed world full of life and activity; players will most likely spend hours on the photo mode feature if the game ever has one. It would appear that Funcom has yet to implement the feature until the developers have polished Dune: Awakening.

Dune: Awakening Has No Photo Mode Feature at the Moment

Funcom has yet to include a fan-favorite feature in Dune: Awakening.
Funcom has yet to include a fan favorite feature in Dune: Awakening.

The upcoming MMORPG is about a high-profile franchise, and expectations are quite high from a technological standpoint. It has the potential to be the best adaptation given the fact that the game shares the same assets that were used in the films. Fans asked the developers about the highly-requested feature, and the answers from the official video game page are quite disappointing.


Many modern video games already feature photo mode, and players can spend hours capturing the perfect shot. The feature has nurtured the talent of many young visual photographers and turned it into an artistic hobby, so developers can easily interact with and acknowledge the fine work of the gaming community.

It would be a missed opportunity for Funcom to not host weekly photo mode challenges, especially with constantly changing landscapes, which will encourage players to take as many shots as possible. Fans can only hope that the developers will settle everything and present the community with a wide selection of photo options, filters, and more. The feature alone can attract countless visual photographers, and they will happily spend a few hours making the best of what can be given.


Dune: Awakening Can Be a Playground for Visual Photographers

Dune: Awakening could potentially be released later this year.
Awakening could potentially be released later this year.

The reason for photo mode being omitted is rather strange; perhaps developers fear the gaming community will use its shots for far more nefarious purposes. Nevertheless, there is still a chance for the feature to be made available on launch day. The game will also feature an extensive character creator mode, and it wouldn’t make sense for the developers to not include photo mode if a far more complicated feature is possible.

Players are sometimes more interested in the visual fidelity of the world they walk in than other content or story beats. Funcom should prioritize the photo mode feature and not let the beautiful depiction of Arrakis go to waste; talented artists are probably all clamoring for a concrete answer as to whether it will be available or not.

The franchise has been getting a lot of traction, especially due to the success of the two recent live-action films. Many fans will be looking for more content, and this project could be a better alternative until the sequel is released. Fans will likely be looking for more and want to immerse themselves in the world of the films they just watched.


Would you like to use photo mode in Funcom’s Awakening? Let us know in the comments section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 534

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.