Tim Curry Was Never Without his Favourite Gaming Handheld Until 1 Incident on Set ‘left him furious’ and Unable to Play

Gamers are among us, whether we recognize it or not.

Credits: Wikimedia Commons/Alan Light


  • There is always a new famous video game fan that people don't know about; Tim Curry is one of them.
  • The popular actor revealed in an old interview that he loved to play with his Game Boy from Nintendo in between scenes to kill the time.
  • He even disclosed that someone stole his portable console once during the set, which infuriated him because he had no idea how to kill time in between takes.
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There is always a new video game enthusiast emerging from Hollywood that people don’t know about. In this case, it is Tim Curry, the legendary actor who gave life to the first version of Pennywise, the famous evil clown from Stephen King’s novels. 


In an interview with PC Format back in the 1990s, the actor revealed that he was a fan of the Game Boy and that he really used to play between takes while he was waiting for his next scene. He even told the interviewer that he suffered a robbery on set and that his console went missing, which made him really mad.

Tim Curry Was Always a Game Boy Fan

Tim Curry was an avid Game Boy player.
Tim Curry was an avid Game Boy player.

Video games are more popular than ever; this has been increasing year after year since the rise of games like Mario Bros. or Zelda. This kind of game has made very interesting fans over the years. One of them is the popular actor Tim Curry, who is behind The Rocky Horror Show, It, and many other famous movies. He has revealed that he was an avid Game Boy player back then, waiting for his scenes to play on his Nintendo console.


The popular actor revealed this in an old interview with PC Format, where they photographed him with a Game Boy behind the scenes of The Three Musketeers in 1993.

Tim Curry and his favorite gaming handheld.
Tim Curry and his favorite gaming handheld.

He also discussed the theft of his console, which left him furious as it was his sole means of passing the time before each scene. This was a surprise for many fans, who had no idea that the praised actor was such an avid gamer.

Nintendo Has Always Had the Most Unexpected Followers

The Nintendo consoles has many very popular fans.
These consoles have many very popular fans.

The actor had an incredible career over the years, with films that became iconic in the current decades. He has joined many projects as a voice actor, especially because in 2012 he suffered a stroke that made his mobility complicated, but the actor is very active in the voice acting field. He is currently working on more child-focused shows as a villain, thanks to his iconic voice, which has a certain tone, especially for that kind of role.


Almost every day, a new video game enthusiast from Hollywood reveals that he or she is an avid gamer. It is more common than ever to be a casual or hardcore gamer on the current date. Actors like Michael B. Jordan, Timothée Chalamet, or the Russo brothers have confirmed how games have helped them through stressful times on set; titles like Fortnite even made an appearance on Avengers Endgame after this reveal.

According to rumors, the upcoming Switch 2 may be unveiled this year for sale at the start of 2025. These rumors talk about how the console will be almost completely backwards compatible with accessories, games, and more. The Japanese company has not given out more information about it; the previous console was officially introduced just six months before the official launch.

What are your thoughts about Tim Curry being a gamer? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Lucas Lapetina

Articles Published: 816

I'm a big fan of movies and videogames in general. I really love Pokémon and Godzilla. One of my favorite games is The Last of Us, Part II. A compelling and well-written story is always welcome.