“This game gonna die without real new things”: Another Premium Warbond in Helldivers 2 and Some Fans are Calling it the End of the Road for PlayStation’s Biggest Game of 2024

Are they running out of ideas or there's something big brewing up?

helldivers 2


  • Some fans have expressed their disappointment over the contents of the latest Premium Warbond.
  • Warbonds in Helldivers 2 are similar to battle passes but without any time limit to unlock things.
  • The game offers one free and two Premium Warbonds of which the latter can be purchased with Super Credits.
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Helldivers 2 has already become a phenomenon among gamers, and they don’t care about the lurking danger of exploding their devices. However, its contents do not seem to satisfy some. The developers recently brought a new premium warbond, which comes with new primary and secondary weapons.


Codenamed Polar Patriots, players can get their hands on the warbond on May 9, 2024. Warbonds are essentially battle passes. but without a time limit. Players do not have to grind their way like it is the case with other games. In case a player fails to reach the final tier in time, the remaining contents of a BP will be gone for good, or at least for the time being, until developers bring it back.

These Helldivers 2 Fans Appears Super Hungry For Content

The new Helldivers 2 warbond is called Polar Patriots.
The new Helldivers 2 warbond is called Polar Patriots.

The latest premium warbond in Helldivers 2 looks cool, literally. While the players will be getting a barrage of firepower, armor, and capes, some fans still need more. The primary and secondary weapons include AR-61 Tenderizer, SMG-72 Pummeler, P-113 Verdict, and more. Players ought to be satisfied with that, given they are not testing weapons on a range.


It’s just that this particular fan is annoyed, or he/she just doesn’t have patience for new things to arrive. In essence, quantity over quality. The user called Banksystre even prophesied a potential demise of the game if developers failed to add “NEW THINGS“.

One fan named Ben, who seems to have grown bored of fighting in barren wastelands and wants some variety, had a suggestion.


Another user who didn’t care about the current items the Polar Patriots warbond offers asked for some “new enemies, vehicles and missions.”


Another disappointment came from a user named Bastila who frowned over the fact that they’ve received only a couple of stratagems since the game launched. With so many users asking for something new, developers need to respond accordingly. Maybe they are trying.

There’s Another Faction Disagreeing Vehemently With That

There will be three new primary weapons in the latest warbond.
There will be three new primary weapons in the latest warbond.

But there was seemingly another faction just as enthusiastic as the fans with an unsatiated hunger for Helldivers 2. And they seemed content with the game’s content. On top of that, many believes it was simply a bait to attract some attention.

Sumtynnaztee counted things on his fingers and alleged that some of the game’s players cannot be satisfied. One mature Mr. HerrSkeletal expressed some discontent on Banksystre’s comment while including the user among ‘today’s spoiled children.’


Helldivers were really confused that what more this user wants after counting things on fingers, akin to Sumtynnaztee.


The fact that the game has sold over 8 million copies globally and is still counting is a testament to the fact that players across the globe are simply loving it. Why these fans are discontent will be a mystery to many who’ll come across the post.

Do you think Helldivers 2 need to add new things with its upcoming Warbonds? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section.


Written by Anurag Batham

Articles Published: 276

Anurag Batham is a video games correspondent at FandomWire. With over two years of experience in writing for different industries, his past works show his passion for the metaverse and his awareness of the environment. He's always playing with ideas to turn them into captivating stories.

A gaming enthusiast who can prove it when you have a round of Call of Duty (COD) with him. And it may take more than a coffee with him if you are to talk to him about Marvel. One can find a reader in him who's always keen to perfect what he already knows and to learn everything new.