“Imagine if there was a…”: Helldivers 2’s Johan Pilestedt Teases Possible Return of Illuminate With Predator and Alien Elements

Intrigue deepens in Helldivers 2 as Johan Pilestedt hints at a new, vengeance-seeking alien species. Fans suspect the Illuminate's return.

helldivers 2


  • Johan Pilestedt teases the addition of a new alien species that might blend the horror and stealth of Predator and Alien, exciting Helldivers 2 players.
  • Speculation rises that the Illuminate could be reimagined as a more formidable foe, significantly altering the game’s strategic and psychological complexity.
  • The potential new enemy design promises to elevate Helldivers 2's gameplay, introducing high-stakes missions and deeper narrative themes.
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Johan Pilestedt, the visionary behind Helldivers 2, recently sparked speculation with a post that hinted at a thrilling new development in the game’s universe. Fans are excited about the possibility that a new enemy resembling the Predator from the Alien series could make its way into the Helldivers universe. There is no shortage of terrifying enemies in Arrowhead Game Studios’ title, but the addition teased by Pilestedt could prove to be even more impactful.


Meanwhile, others believe that Pilestedt subtly hints that a cunning alien race from the original game might be making a vengeful return.

Who Is the Alien Species Pilestedt Is Talking About?

Pilestedt teases a new Predator-like alien species in the Helldivers universe.
Pilestedt teases a new species in the Helldivers universe.

Pilestedt’s tweet posits a fascinating scenario. Initially, fans were excited about a new enemy type resembling the Predators from the Alien franchise that could potentially make its way into the Helldivers world.


But some eagle-eyed gamers suspect that Pilestedt may indeed be referring to an old adversary from the original game, the Illuminate. Many fan theories swirled around the internet, most of them stating that the Illuminate has, for whatever reason, become more hostile, predatory, and dangerous than ever, combining stealth and cunning with thematic horror.

Naturally, the possible addition of new enemies would be more refreshing and also increase the psychological and strategic depth of the game.


These factors, incorporated in the game, would change combat dynamics so that players would have to deal with a new set of unpredictable threats. For that matter, one might add, players would feel the need to adopt new tactics to fight against an enemy that can blend into the environment almost invisibly, take terrifyingly accurate strikes, and conduct psychological warfare that can break morale, even in the most hardened squads.

Illuminate Could Introduce Tactical Evolution and Gameplay Enhancement in Helldivers 2

Fans believe new enemies will refresh gameplay and add depth to Helldivers 2.
Fans believe new enemies will refresh gameplay and add depth to Helldivers 2.

This evolution of enemy design will result in more exciting gameplay in Helldivers 2, where players have to use their advanced detection gear to hunt down enemies that are not visible or to secure themselves from fast, deadly ambushes.

Imagine dense, dark jungles like in the original movie or confined spaceship corridors where swarms of enemies are brought down by the Helldivers.


These next-generation Illuminate could also come with enhanced storytelling that spans topics of revenge, survival, and consequence in interstellar warfare. Great narrative depth mixed with high-stakes gameplay would offer gamers an immersive and emotionally engaging experience. 

Do you think the potential return of the Illuminate is the right direction for the game? How do you imagine these elements could transform your gameplay experience? Dive into the debate in the comment section below and share your most creative strategies, fears, and hopes for this possible crossover!

Amir Syed

Written by Amir Syed

Articles Published: 77

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