“We’re reverting back”: Helldivers 2 Community Manager Confirms a Massive Overhaul to the Most Irritating ‘Fix’ of the Game

Arrowhead Game Studios is dialing down the spawn rate after the community is feeling overwhelmed in Helldivers 2.

helldivers 2


  • Arrowhead Game Studios acknowledges their recent shortcomings and promises to work on the problem.
  • Helldivers 2 players have grown tired and overwhelmed with the increased spawn rate and adjusted weapon stats.
  • Director Johan Pilestedt is doing his hardest to keep the game afloat after recent controversies and in-game issues.
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Helldivers 2 is the surprise from Arrowhead Game Studios and PlayStation for this year and the gaming community has grown to love it. Despite being a live service game, it bears the same mark of success as most Sony first-party titles and is collecting more accolades.


The developers have poured their hearts out to make the perfect video game but there is no such thing as perfect. There are some existing issues, like spawn rates, which will likely become a bigger problem down the line and the developers have apologized and have means to remedy it.

Arrowhead Will Dial Down the Spawn Rate in Helldivers 2

The players are starting to feel overwhelmed in Helldivers 2 and the developers are starting to notice.
The players are starting to feel overwhelmed in Helldivers 2 and the developers are starting to notice.

It is unsurprising if the developers at Arrowhead Game Studios are off their game after recent controversies caused by the publisher regarding the linking of PlayStation Network accounts with Steam for PC players. Fortunately, the situation was quickly resolved, and the team is reeling from the abuse and harassment they received and is slowly getting back up on their feet.


We’re changing patrols and spawn rate (reverting).
byu/The_Real_Twinbeard inHelldivers

The developers were able to address the issue professionally and this is a good indication that things might be getting better for the game. Even the gaming community is concerned for the developers’ well-being, which is a great sign of compassion. The game was affected and developers were too preoccupied to notice but it is better late than never.

The problems that transpired in the past few days took a toll on the team and it drastically affected the quality of the game. The developers are spread too thin as they are resolving other issues on a much larger scale like giving the game back to the players who reside in the 180 countries where the game was delisted.


Helldivers 2 Players Hopes the Game Will Be Fun Again

The players plucked up the courage to reach out directly to the Helldivers 2 game director.
The players plucked up the courage to reach out directly to the Helldivers 2 game director.

The exchange that director Johan Pilestedt had with one member of the community regarding the changes the team has made in terms of balancing and scaling reflects his character and rather than defending the decision, Pilestedt promised to look into it himself. Not every day players can discuss certain qualms with the director of a product they love and immediately get a promising response.

Change is inevitable and the developers will always need to find ways to spice up the gaming experience to secure the project’s longevity. Perhaps Pilestedt’s vision for a semi-realistic deppiction of warfare is too much for the average player and players feel tortured rather than having fun with friends.

The developers promised to look into the problem regarding the spawn rate of enemies that will benefit the player base. Being overrun by hordes of enemies is not as fun as they envisioned and realized it was and although it will take some time, it is the right step forward.


Pilestedt and his team have a long way to go especially if they mean to keep this game alive for years to come. It is wise for them to update the community with the same effort as they improve the game and keep tabs on more pressing matters like how the spawn rate is affecting the player experience.

Do you think Helldivers 2 is in trouble? Let us know in the comments section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 600

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.