“Probably the most metal trailer ever…”: The Axis Unseen’s Upcoming Trailer Promised to Showcase ‘a lot that people haven’t seen’, and We Can’t Wait

Monster-hunting, a mysterious open-world, and a heavy-metal soundtrack—what more can you ask for?

the axis unseen’s upcoming trailer


  • The Axis Unseen, Nate Purkeypile's first solo project, is shaping up to be one of the indie gems of this year.
  • The latest trailer for the game is right around the corner, premiering on June 6th, 2024
  • The upcoming trailer promises to show new content and unravel more details surrounding the game, keeping excitement high for its imminent release.
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The Axis Unseen, an upcoming horror game from the one-man army Nate Purkeypile, is shaping up to be one of gaming’s biggest highlights in 2024. With you as a hunter, the game will task you with taking down nightmarish creatures to the tunes of an excellent heavy-metal soundtrack.


After we first sat down with Nate to discuss his game, our excitement for what’s to come was already dialed to eleven. Now, with the latest trailer for The Axis Unseen promising new and previously unseen content, the anticipation is at fever pitch.

The Axis Unseen Next Trailer Is Coming Soon, and Nate’s Excitement for the Game Is Contagious

The Axis Unseen is sure to be an unusual monster-hunting game, in the best possible way.
The Axis Unseen is sure to be an unusual monster-hunting game, in the best possible way.

Throughout his time at Bethesda, Nate made massive contributions as an artist to the studio’s most successful video games, including Skyrim and Fallout 3. Now, with 20+ years of experience under the belt, he’s ready to unleash his creativity through The Axis Unseen.


As its sole developer, Nate Purkeypile discussed with us how his journey has been so far, what experiences during his time at Bethesda inspired him, and what his goals with The Axis Unseen are. Nate’s passion and vision for his first solo project speak for themselves, and his love for video games is abundantly visible to anyone.

Take a look at his thoughts on the upcoming trailer for The Axis Unseen, and one can easily notice the man’s enthusiasm—the game has, after all, made some huge strides in development within a short period.


The game’s previous trailers have been positively received as well, with people particularly noting the inspired choice of featuring a heavy-metal soundtrack as a backdrop for the lush and mystical open world. That said, Nate’s claim that the game still hasn’t revealed all its cards is a delight in and of itself. One can only wonder what strange surprises await us in The Axis Unseen.

The Axis Unseen Features Your Childhood Nightmares and Monsters Dialed to an Eleven

The monster designs of The Axis Unseen speak volumes on Nate's creativity as an artist.
The monster designs in The Axis Unseen speak volumes about Nate’s creativity as an artist.

Remember all those folktales your parents would read to you as a child to ensure you stayed in bed and slept on time? Well, 24 of those nightmarish creatures are here in The Axis Unseen, with their horrific qualities turned up a notch thanks to Purkeypile’s creativity as an artist.

There’s a lot more to The Axis Unseen than just that, though. Your primary objective for the game will be to play detective and figure out what exactly happened to the hunters that came before you.


To aid you in your journey, you’ll have your trusty bow and arrows, whose true combat capabilities will slowly be revealed to you in the game. Add to that a unique leveling system, a minimal HUD to ensure complete immersion, and a carefully designed world, and you get a game that will be nothing less than a proper delight for its players. 

Keeping all that in mind, it’s clear that The Axis Unseen is a game you need to wishlist as soon as you can. Seeing the current state of AAA gaming, perhaps this indie gem can be the palate cleanser that you need. That said, are you excited to try Nate Purkeypile’s first project? What are your thoughts on its infusion of heavy-metal themes with a mystical open world? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Akshit Dangi

Articles Published: 61

Akshit is a (supposed) human being that lurks in different corners of the internet in search of fascinating rabbit holes. Outside of that, though, you'll most likely find him staring at a piece of art for days or completing another playthrough of Silent Hill.