“It doesn’t seem clear…”: Space Marines 2 Release Date Announced with Bloody, Brutal and Manic Trailer, but Fans Are All Confused by the Same Thing

Space Marines 2 is the chaos we have all been waiting for.

Space Marine 2


  • Space Marines 2 will have a co-op campaign for those who enjoy killing aliens with their friends.
  • 3 player operations are separate from the game's campaign, giving them two co-op mode options.
  • There will be more content in Space Marines 2 for players to enjoy further down the line.
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A new trailer has been revealed for Space Marines 2, and gamers are already looking forward to the blood and gore that will be coming to their consoles and PCs later this year. Currently, there are a few different announcements that gamers are looking forward to.


However, during the recent trailer, there was one part of the game that players had some confusion about, as the trailer didn’t explain this very well, and that is regarding the campaign and the three-player operations.

Space Marines 2 Allows Co-op Through the Whole Campaign and More

Space Marines 2 allows co-op in both campaigns and operations.
Space Marines 2 allows co-op in both campaigns and operations.

After the recent trailer for Space Marines 2 was revealed by Focus Entertainment, players were more than hyped for the game to finally get the release date, but there was one question that they were begging for an answer to, which is whether or not the campaign is co-op or single-player.


During the recent trailer, players were shown plenty of content that will be coming to the game, such as customizable characters, 6v6 PvP modes, and even a 3-player co-op campaign. Unfortunately, during this trailer, players were confused about the 3-player co-op campaign and whether or not it was actually talking about the campaign.

Throughout the trailer, it is mentioned that a game mode known as 3 player operations will be available for players to explore different missions in a team of 3 or on their own as a solo player, but this left many players wondering whether or not this game mode and the campaign were the same thing.


Luckily, it has already been mentioned in a tweet by user Sylvain that the developers have already detailed that the campaign will be both co-op and single-player, just like the 3-player co-op operations mode will be on release.

Gamers Are Both Excited and Relieved That This Game Mode Can Be Experienced either Alone or With Their Friends

Gamers have no idea what they are walking into with Space Marines 2.
Gamers have no idea what they are walking into with Space Marines 2.

What’s better than slaughtering your enemies in a gory passion? Slaughtering your enemies in a gory passion with your friends. Whether you are looking to play through the campaign or the operations mode, there will be plenty of action to share with your friends as you progress through Space Marines 2.


So far, gamers are excited to get their hands on these different modes, as they were not prepared to have two different co-op modes. This has many gamers excited, as it is a good start to the game, and players can look forward to even more content along the line that would require co-op.

At the moment, we do not know the length of the operation missions or how long the campaign will be, but with the fact that these missions are essentially a large portion of the game, it will likely mean they will take a large amount of time and will allow players to have a lot of fun with their friends.


What do you think about the upcoming Space Marines 2 game? Do you think you will be able to slaughter the aliens that are looking to slaughter you first? Let us know in the comments what you think!


Written by Liam Magee

Articles Published: 524

Liam is a writer who loves to spend his time gaming, streaming, playing board games, and just talking about games in general. He will play pretty much any game you put in front of him, but he absolutely loves soul-like games the most, or anything story-driven.