“Just wanted to clarify…”: Space Marine 2 Devs Confirm Post-Launch Plans with Gameplay DLC Surprise and 1 Feature Even Helldivers 2 Couldn’t Manage

Space Marine 2 has a feature that even Helldivers 2 can't compete with

Space Marine 2 and Helldivers 2


  • The trailer for Space Marine 2 showed off the multiplayer game modes
  • The trailer also revealed the games launch editions and DLC
  • Focus Entertainment has clarified how micro transactions will work in game
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Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2 is finally launching later this year. The long-awaited sequel to the 2011 third-person shooter is launching on September 9th.


After a brand-new trailer showcasing the game’s multiplayer modes and epic-looking action, developer Focus Entertainment went to Twitter/X to clarify a few things about the reveal. The game is looking more exciting with each piece of new information, and it is sure to be one of this year’s highlights.

The Space Marine 2 Trailer Showed off Epic Gameplay

Space Marine
Space Marine 2 is shaping up to be an epic experience

The trailer showcased a look at the game’s multiplayer modes, boasting three-player narrative co-op, three-player PvE co-op missions, and a six-versus-six game titled Eternal War. This is a lot of exciting content to look forward to, especially the PvE game modes, which the success of Helldivers 2 earlier this year has proven is a major draw for players.

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 – Multiplayer Modes Reveal

However, Space Marine 2 contains a feature that even Helldivers 2 cannot compete with. In a post on Twitter/X, Focus Entertainment clarified that “there aren’t any microtransactions” and “all gameplay content and features will be free to all players; paid DLCs will be cosmetic only.”

The trailer revealed Space Marine 2’s different launch editions, with standard, gold, and ultra editions being available at different price tiers. These editions advertised the different cosmetic-only DLC content that would be available.


Helldivers 2 made waves this year with its consumer-friendly approach to microtransactions. The game’s premium currency can be earned in-game without ever having to spend extra money on the game. The in-game shop is also priced very reasonably, which garnered much praise. It proved that microtransactions can be acceptable when they are, in fact, micro.

For Space Marine 2 to commit to no microtransactions in the current landscape is very encouraging to see. Given the expansive source material, it would have been very easy for Focus Entertainment to sell all sorts of things in an in-game shop. We can thankfully rest a little easier knowing that this game is being treated as more than just a simple cash grab.


Positive Twitter Discourse and Hype for the Game

space marine 2
Space Marine 2 has a lot of hype and this news makes it more exciting

The response on Twitter/X to the clarification was well received by players, with some expressing more interest in the game with this news. GabrielKDG wrote, “These details make me suddenly a hell of a lot more interested in the game.”

Some did ask for clarification on what the difference between paid DLC cosmetics and microtransactions is, so hopefully there is some clearing up regarding these lingering questions soon. The best guess would be paid expansions containing cosmetic-only items, but time will tell.

Focus Entertainment seems to be making all the right calls so far with this game, learning the best lessons from Helldivers 2 and improving on them to make an experience everyone can be excited about.


But what do you think? Does this new information make you excited for Space Marine 2? Will you pick it up on September 9th? Let us know in the comments!



Written by Dustin.C

Articles Published: 26

Dustin is an avid gamer, comic book reader and movie lover. His interests include, Star Wars, DC and Marvel comics.