“That joke deserved an Oscar right there”: Just When We Thought We Have Seen Harrison Ford Do Everything an Old Clip of the Han Solo Star Telling a Broccoli Joke Had Us Laughing

Harrison Ford shows off his un-serious side with a spot-on plot and wit-laden joke leaving the audience in splits

Harrison Ford Star Wars Han Solo


  • Harrison Ford’s humor shines through in a memorable talk show appearance, as he shared a witty anecdote.
  • The actor’s storytelling prowess is on full display as he recounts a humorous exchange, showing his brilliant comedic timing.
  • Ford is set to expand his legendary film career by joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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A career spanning six decades has had Harrison Ford rise to fame as one of the most versatile stars in Hollywood. Famed as the charismatic Han Solo from Star Wars and the lead protagonist of the Indiana Jones franchise, the star has left an indelible mark on the action, adventure, and fantasy genres. Moreover, these staple outings have often portrayed him as a charming yet roguish actor with quite a serious persona.

Harrison Ford | Credit: Gage Skidmore for Wikimedia Commons
Harrison Ford | Credit: Gage Skidmore for Wikimedia Commons

Regardless of his movie stereotypes, the legendary actor does, in fact, know how to tickle the funny bones. Aside from his humor-laced dialogue in the movies, Ford has thrown open numerous instances of being non-serious and a bearer of jokes in everyday life as well. Standing out among those is one banter regarding broccoli that once had the audience rolling in splits.

The Harrison Ford broccoli joke that had him scared of his wife

Harrison Ford as Han Solo | Lucasfilm and Disney
Harrison Ford as Han Solo | Lucasfilm and Disney

Laid-back, a man of few words, and one with a prudent dislike for interviews, Harrison Ford once dropped an oddball in his 2012 interaction on Late Night with David Letterman. The incident involved the host revealing the mega-star dropping a grocery store joke, followed by having him compelled to share it with the entire audience. Despite voicing his concerns with “If I tell this joke my wife is going to be so mad,” he went on.


Laying out the plot and sequences in his trademark calm style, Ford broke down the premise of a lady desperately trying to search for broccoli at a produce store. After being repeatedly told that the vegetable had gone out of stock, she kept coming back to the same worker and asked the same question again and again. A burst of patience after two such questions finally laid down an interaction, giving way to sheer humor.

“A few minutes later the same woman walks up right into his face and asks “How come I can’t find any broccoli? Where’s the broccoli?” He says “Lady, do me a favor will ya? How do you spell “cat”, like in “catastrophic?” she replies with “CAT” He says “How do you spell “dog” like in “dogmatic?” she says “DOG” He says how do you “f*ck” like in “broccoli?” a little confused, the woman replies with “there is no f*ck in broccoli.” “That’s what I’m trying to tell you, lady!””

The hilarity marked by the use of puns, a proper set-up, and an acting masterclass had X (formerly Twitter) users demand an Oscar for the star. Furthermore, it also stood out as one of those classic moments where Harrison Ford goes unhinged and shares such detailed and mostly humorous exchanges that he collected over his lifetime.

Harrison Ford set to enter the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Harrison Ford in Blade Runner | Warner Bros. Pictures
Harrison Ford in Blade Runner | Warner Bros. Pictures

The early breakout roles of his career had Harrison Ford take on the lore of Star Wars and now decades later, he stands on the verge of appearing on the big screens for one of the most vast and intricate cinema franchises, the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The 81-year-old is set to portray General Thaddeus ‘Thunderbolt’ Ross, taking it over following the demise of William Hurt, who had played it in flicks like The Incredible Hulk, Captain America: Civil War, Avengers: Infinity War, and Black Widow.


Ford’s take on the character will have him appear in at least the upcoming Thunderbolts and Captain America: Brave New World projects. Moreover, rumors hold him of taking on the mantle of the Red Hulk, a character long demanded by comic-book fans for a live-action crossover. Meanwhile, the actor’s success continues following shows like 1923 and Shrinking.


Written by Imteshal Karim

Articles Published: 120

Bearing a penchant for writing in multiple forms, I love telling a good story and hope to tell impactful ones about the fandom's side of the Entertainment industry. I found the movie of my life in Christopher Nolan's 2014' s Interstellar, which fascinated me with the perfect blend of science and cinema, leaving me curious about Hollywood. In my leisure time, you will find me indulging in photography, gardening, and cycling.